The Ignorant, Intolerant and Stupid Held A Parade Sunday – IOTW Report

The Ignorant, Intolerant and Stupid Held A Parade Sunday

For the 40th year in a row, West Hollywood had a pride parade march down its streets on Sunday. Maxine Waters watched and granted interviews (note the sign behind Maxine).   Guerrilla journalist, Flecca interviewed a number of participants and spectators.

Before watching the calls for tolerance and to “Just Be” (the theme of this year’s parade), I suggest viewing this video on the Dunning-Krueger effect that explains why dumb people don’t know they’re stupid. It adds much needed context to the replies by some of the people Flecca interviewed. Here

7 Comments on The Ignorant, Intolerant and Stupid Held A Parade Sunday

  1. Ignorant, Intolerant and Stupid is the perfect title to this post. However I could not watch this parade of perversion as I got sick to my stomach. Good luck to someone with stronger gag reflexes.

  2. Although I disagree, the giblet deviants seem to forever claim that their deviancy is innate and not acquired; not an attribute over which they have control. If that’s so, then proclaiming pride in their perversions is logically equivalent to proclaiming pride in having a birthmark, or being left-handed, or having brown hair. Meaningless.

    It should go without saying: not only do I see nothing wrong with birthmarks, left-handedness, or brunetteitude, the very concept of right or wrong doesn’t even apply to such attributes.

  3. Trying to make any sense of some Organ-Grinder’s trained monkey is a waste of time!

    Well whadya know – I just killed two birds with one post!
    I just used it for the previous David Hogg article… (so it ain’t rasiss Leftoids!)

  4. What exactly did DJT do to these fruit cakes to deserve such backlash?
    There are people I actively wish dead (for good reason) who I don’t lash out nearly as bad.
    Self-Esteem bit has people all enthralled about themselves. Personally I don’t live without calling myself a dumb ass 30,40,maybe 100 times a day. (again, for good reason).

  5. I just watched an advert on Fox News (online) from Las Vegas tourism (whatever it’s called). It shows two lesbians in Vegas getting married. It is presented like it is no big deal. At the end of it, it shows them kissing.

    We are getting closer to Hell every day.


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