The Internal Revenue (Election Rigging) Service – IOTW Report

The Internal Revenue (Election Rigging) Service

American Thinker:

By Clarice Feldman

Should the projections of a Republican tsunami at the midterms prove true, there are so many things that a Republican Congress must prioritize. Not the least of which is revising the civil-service laws to permit removing incompetent and corrupt bureaucrats, cutting drastically the federal bureaucracy, and reforming, among other agencies, the CDC, NIH, FBI, and the IRS.

I’m focusing now on the IRS, which first hit my radar screen when with no consequences whatsoever.  Loretta Lynch’s Department of Justice declined to press criminal charges against Lois Lerner, whose outfit delayed and denied the Tea Party reform groups the tax-exempt status to which they were entitled, hamstringing them against the very well-financed (probably including illegal funds from abroad) Obama crowd. 

This time, pay attention to Black Lives Matter, an utterly corrupt outfit whose riots and lootings destroyed so many cities and wreaked havoc on the black communities and their businesses.

The damage continues to this day as the riots fueled the defund police movement, a ridiculous effort that leaves the poor and the black communities particularly vulnerable to violent crime, and as another consequence caused an exodus of needed businesses from those places.

On her own, the mayor of D.C. ordered one street painted in huge letters “Black Lives Matter.” School kids were urged to walk out to support the group, while big corporations sent them money. All told, the group reportedly raised $90 million in 2020. more

h/t NAAC

5 Comments on The Internal Revenue (Election Rigging) Service

  1. “…the defund police movement, a ridiculous effort that leaves the poor and the black communities particularly vulnerable to violent crime…”

    …dare we say, that it makes them, “underserved”?

    …they keep using that word.
    I do not think it means what they think it means.

  2. “…there are so many things that a Republican Congress must prioritize…”

    Well, now we can add “Getting US troops out of Somalia again”.


  3. “Should the projections of a Republican tsunami at the midterms prove true…”
    C’Mon, Clarice! You think demrats are gonna abide by the law for this election?

  4. Fact is that during an investigation into the sinister IRS during the 1980s, it was found that IRS agents were hiding tax-payer files in their offices’ DROPPED CEILINGS. Agents were hiding the fact the files were not in-keeping with federal and state regs plus numerous agents were found to be stealing tax-payers’ payment checks sent to IRS and claiming payment were not sent at all which increased interest and violations, including agents stealing refund checks. No doubt IRS is still engaging in this criminal activity, exposing both the fraudulent Obama and c chronically pilfering and lying Biden.


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