The Ironically Named National Intelligence Oversight Committee – IOTW Report

The Ironically Named National Intelligence Oversight Committee


There are eight members of Congress who have the responsibility of reviewing and approving the gathering operations of our various intelligence agencies.  The committee is made up of the leadership of both parties in both houses and the chair and lead opposition on the intelligence committees in both houses.

It’s called the “gang of 8,” and when you realize who actually sits on this committee you’re going to wonder how our foreign opposition hasn’t hacked every national secret right down to Obama’s real birth certificate.






7 Comments on The Ironically Named National Intelligence Oversight Committee

  1. …you’re going to wonder how our foreign opposition hasn’t hacked every national secret right down to Obama’s real birth certificate.. They are laughing so hard at us that it is physically impossible to get any work done.

  2. Reza Aslan is getting his own CNN TV show!?! Dude is an Islamic jihadist propagandist. The media is the enemy of the American people. I don’t mean in an idea logical sense, they are traitors. They give aid and comfort to the enemy, and they deserve to be treated like hostile combatants of patriotic Americans.

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