The Land of Bernie Sanders is a Tax And Spend Mess – Only the Rich Can Afford To Live There – IOTW Report

The Land of Bernie Sanders is a Tax And Spend Mess – Only the Rich Can Afford To Live There


“By increasing the general fund spending by four percent, even though revenue is to grow at a mere two percent, this budget will perpetuate the state’s budget problems,” said House Minority Leader Don Turner (R). “When a state’s spending outpaces the economy by 2-3 percent every year with no end in sight, it’s a prescription for fiscal disaster,” said Randy Brock, a former Franklin County senator and state auditor who is running for Lt. Governor.


Brock, Turner, and Lisman’s assertion that Vermont has an overspending problem and not a revenue problem is backed up by the numbers. In fact, had Vermont kept state spending in line with the rate of population growth and inflation during the last decade, the state would’ve spent $6 billion less than it did. That’s $6 billion that could have been put in a rainy day fund, returned to taxpayers through tax relief, or both.


11 Comments on The Land of Bernie Sanders is a Tax And Spend Mess – Only the Rich Can Afford To Live There

  1. Only property owners and tax payers should be allowed to vote.
    And Bernie didn’t have a pot to piss in ’till he got on the government teat at age thirty. He’s been sucking on it ever since.

  2. Moe; Your solution creates a caste system.
    Better that any person that receive money from the government cannot vote in elections related to the branch of government that gives them a check.

  3. Brad. Employers are property owners and tax payers.

    JohnS. Bring it on. Fifty years from now we’ll be under the heel of Islam. I won’t, I’ll be gone. We keep allowing nose picking, pimple faced, know-nothings to vote and we’re doomed.

  4. Service personnel will be allowed to vote after a two year hitch,
    Permanent college attendees will not be allowed to vote until they have paid off their college loans.
    I’d be a bitch as a dictator, but a benign one. Trust me.

  5. In all fairness to Bernie he never served in our legislature (also never ran as a Democrat & refused when they offered to put him on their slate). OTH things would be much worse budget wise if he had!!!

  6. The purpose of the “universal franchise” in voting is to put all the power of the state into the hands of the party apparatchiks.

    They tell us for whom we may vote, when we may vote, and how often we may vote.

    They will never give up this POWER – it must be wrested from them.

    (and it is raw POWER – they have NO AUTHORITY)

    izlamo delenda est …

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