The Left Beats Up Gay Trump Supporters – IOTW Report

The Left Beats Up Gay Trump Supporters


Scott Sauter, a gay conservative, was walking from an Austin comedy club back to his apartment out in the Riverside Neighborhood of Austin, Texas last weekend when he was brutally assaulted.

Scott contacted The Gateway Pundit with his story.

ht/ jerry manderin

9 Comments on The Left Beats Up Gay Trump Supporters

  1. I agree with Reboot–how did the person who assaulted him know he was gay? Who looks at a lighter at night outside and can actually see what is on it? I am not buying this one yet.


    I don’t know how easy it would be to see in the dark, but they exist.
    There have been plenty of fake hate crimes reported by the left, this would be a first for a conservative, and he’s obviously been beaten-up pretty bad in either case. There’s also plenty of precedent for violence against Trump supporters. If he was going to lie about it just to get the attention, why not say he was beaten by Trump supporters for being gay, and let the media go wild over it? Otherwise, the media won’t make a peep about this.
    Tough call…

  3. A negro beat up a white homosexual guy in Austin.

    I’m sure the DOJ is gonna stop everything it’s doing to get their Civil Rights people out there.

    Sorry, homosexual guy, you’re a footnote.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I’m not so sure about this one although I’d wait to see if the cops actually turn something up. I kind of wonder about some black guy screaming at this white guy that the town is mostly Hispanic then proceeds to beat the snot out of him. All this is the Texas ground zero for liberal progressives. I wonder where the LGBT community in Austin falls on this.

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