The Left Chooses Transgender Flags Over POW Flags – IOTW Report

The Left Chooses Transgender Flags Over POW Flags


Multiple Democratic offices on Capitol Hill have replaced their flags memorializing prisoners of war with transgender pride flags, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.

The changes came at the urging of the National Center for Transgender Equality, which is delivering flags to congressional offices in advance of International Transgender Day of Visibility. Among the members to make the switch was Rep. Kim Schrier (D., Wash.), who replaced the POW flag she had displayed outside her office with a transgender pride flag.

Dem Offices Remove POW Flags, Replace With Transgender Pride Flags.

17 Comments on The Left Chooses Transgender Flags Over POW Flags

  1. winning the hearts and minds of the intellectually defunct.

    This tranny shit is a bridge to far. Celebrating, honoring and promoting sexual dysfunction, perversion and mental illness is a sign of Biblical end times. Seriously.

    You have two choices in this world, to follow Christ or follow his enemy. No middle ground.

  2. So, glorifying tragically mentally ill people is more important than glorifying the men who gave up their freedom in your defense.
    Vile, craven, bitches.

  3. Why take down the POW flag instead of just adding the perverted flag? Said the change is not permanent. Wanna bet?

    Rhetorical question – “why take the POW flag down?”; I know the answer. Filthy Democrats.

  4. An enterprising entrepreneur in the DC area should create an “Intersectionality Totem Pole” which the particularly woke leftest in Congress could post outside their offices. This pole would rank the protected classes by victmhood; women would be on top, then blacks, gays, transgenders, Muslims, atheists would be at the bottom. Any pole with any resemblance to white males would be placed in the ladies restroom.

  5. The flag is pink and blue. I thought we weren’t supposed to stigmatize genders and babies with predetermined nursery colors that Moms and Dads have been using for years to say boy or girl?

    I’m confused?!?

  6. It seems appropriate that they’d celebrate a feature of the insanity the flag represents.
    They’ll find out just what a unpredictable voting base they chose to perch on.

  7. It’s for a week, I believe. At lease some of them had the sense to leave the POW flag where it was and add the FLAAAAG. I still have to ask gays why they let the physically and mentally ill Prog segment of the population hop on their wagon.

  8. This is how desperate Democrats have always gone for a vote. In their tiny brains, no shits are given, they always know better than you! Even by pursuing this they don’t consider that by percentage that only less than 3% of legal voting constituents give a shit.


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