The Left Doesn’t Care About ‘Genocide’ – IOTW Report

The Left Doesn’t Care About ‘Genocide’

Harbinger Daily

For reasons that upset me more than they escape me, many liberal thinkers and neo-democrats are trying hard to describe some of the events taking place in Gaza under Benjamin Netanyahu and in America under newly re-elected President Trump as Nazi-influenced. The Holocaust and the Death Camps are being mentioned regularly, not in an attempt to deny their existence–a positive in and of itself–but to compare current events to the most horrific genocide in the history of mankind. This has to stop!

Israel has been repeatedly accused of committing genocide in Gaza. Within a week or less after October 7, 2023, soon after the world initially expressed concern and sadness about the Hamas invasion of southern Israel, the narrative started to change, and it shifted very quickly toward accusing Israel of killing innocent Palestinians at a genocidal level.

Nobody agrees on what constitutes genocide by numbers. Some will argue that 25% or more of a people group has to be destroyed to constitute genocide, but it is unclear., The UN Genocide Convention states: “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: MORE

9 Comments on The Left Doesn’t Care About ‘Genocide’

  1. In a sense the left cares very much about genocide. Claiming “What you’re doing is GENOCIDE!!1!” isn’t quite as popular as “You’re a RAYYYCISSST!1!!” but they do use it a lot when circumstances warrant.

  2. When the left brings in horses of foreigners, while marveling at the change in the racial makeup of the country, at the same time they are encouraging white kids to sterilize themselves via gender transitions nonsense, shows they care about genocide very much.

  3. If one of the indicia of genocide is killing members of a group, then Israel is committing a type of genocide – they are killing terrorists. Of course, most civilized people are o.k. with this – I’m certainly not shedding any tears over a smart bomb taking out a terrorist cell.

    But let me offer a solution to this: quit firing weapons at Israel, bombing civilians, taking innocent people hostage, and threatening to wipe Israel off of the map. Also, quit using your own people as human shields. If you act civilized, then maybe Israel will try to negotiate a solution.

  4. Palestinians are little better than rabid beasts.
    No one would call putting out Roach Motels “genocide.”
    The Palestinians raped, tortured, and murdered the Israeli “hostages” whom they kidnapped and the so-called civilian Palestinians hid both the “hostages” and the terrorist.
    Besides which, Palestinian is not a genotype – if every single one were killed there would still be plenty of filthy moslem pederasts, pedophiles, and goat-fuckers – though the World would be a slightly better place.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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