The Left Have the Sads About Harrison Butker Popularity – IOTW Report

The Left Have the Sads About Harrison Butker Popularity

19 Comments on The Left Have the Sads About Harrison Butker Popularity

  1. Tim Tebow should have garnered the same response and respect.
    Guess we weren’t ready to stand up to the bullies then and hadn’t acquired sufficient backbone.
    Too bad!

  2. Most likely this is a petition generated by Faithful America, a “Christian” organization that supports social justice causes. According to them we apparently can’t have any support for traditional American values or morals. Here’s a direct quote from their About Us page:

    “We’re sticking up for courageous Christian voices acting for fairness and freedom in every denomination. We’re fighting for social, economic, and racial justice, standing with the Black Lives Matter movement and upholding the Gospel’s values of love, equality, and dignity. Together, we’re helping make a difference for immigrants, refugees, the climate, the LGBTQ community, and more.”

    This should tell you all you need to know.

  3. I found his speech. Basically what he said was A woman that stays home and raises kids and a career woman deserve equal respect. Period, end of story. Well shit, those moron libtards are accusing him of anything from insulting gays to being a racist. They’re freaken nuts. An entire herd of respectable conservative women have started #barefootandinthekitchen. LOL. It’s going viral. These women are also asking for the return of MEN. 2009 Miss California is a driving force behind this.
    I’d say the Libtards have lost this one.

  4. I guarantee that 99% of the petition signers could not tell you what Butker actually said, but are upset because someone else misquoted him or took it out of context (intentionally) – and because they like to get upset about things.
    And they vote.

  5. ^^^^^LCD
    Once a year my wife gets together with 8 of her old high school girl friends. Every year she gets home she complains about a couple of them that have gone total libtard. They figured out she’s conservative so they like to make their little senseless digs. Well she texted me this morning saying this will be her last trip. Can’t wait to hear about this.

  6. Butker’s commencement speech was incredible. Truly inspired by The Holy Spirit. Christians should take note of how God used this young man’s talents to witness to the world the Truth represented in Christ.

    This speech is proof Hope is not lost. God always has a powerful remnant – the faithful, to keep his promises and order; .

    Butker’s speech was so excellent, it needs to be heard often – so inspiring; .

    Whether the Satanic Woke care or not the true purposes of men/male and women/female will be fulfilled. God has not abandoned his perfect, love focused plans for mankind.

  7. It’s amazing that in these times, when a man says things that were perfectly obvious to the vast majority of people only a few decades ago, it causes such uproar amongst the deluded and braindead left. God help us, for we truly are stuck amongst the retarded.

  8. The followers of the progressive movement believe in everyone having the right their opinion, as in the opinion that they themselves hold… at the moment. They are rotten nasty sonsabitches to anyone who doesn’t play their little games and turn on a dime the very minute word comes down that what everyone was obligated to be down with yesterday has been supplanted by today’s current thing. They can eat shit and bark at the moon for all I care.

    I really enjoy it when Ann Barnhardt cuts loose on them. I’ve got a friend, black guy from Greenville Mississippi, retired drill sergeant, he’s right up there with Ann. I’ve seen him cut prog fart virtue signaling dirt bags to ribbons multiple times and he doesn’t hold anything back. Leaves them crying in a puddle of tears every time he cuts loose on them.


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