The Left is Bankrupting America With Corrupt Public Sector Pension Deals – IOTW Report

The Left is Bankrupting America With Corrupt Public Sector Pension Deals

I’ve redacted the name of this particular pension abuser. Any guesses as to who it is?

The fees are on top of the pensions paid in 2014 to 19 board retirees, including XXXXX, who made $11,132 in payroll deductions into the board’s pension fund and began drawing a $35,660-a-year pension at age 50. Now 59, XXXXX has been paid more than $306,000 stemming from the nearly eight years served as the part-time board chair, records show.

See the face of this parasite after the click more—>


The fees are on top of the pensions paid in 2014 to 19 CTA board retirees, including top White House aide Valerie Jarrett, who made $11,132 in payroll deductions into the board’s pension fund and began drawing a $35,660-a-year pension at age 50. Jarrett, now 59, has been paid more than $306,000 stemming from the nearly eight years she served as the CTA’s part-time board chair, records show.

See more at Marathon Pundit

15 Comments on The Left is Bankrupting America With Corrupt Public Sector Pension Deals

  1. This is part (a small part, but a part, nonetheless) of the $220Trillion of unfunded liabilities that NOBODY wants to talk about. People, elected, appointed, and otherwise, are seeing to it that their pensions are “insured” by the taxpayers even though they pay little or nothing into their pension plans.

    Corporations, Unions … just about everybody.

    Just to put it into perspective, that represents about 15 years of the GDP of the entire United States – that is if every dime earned by every man, woman, child, corporation, investment, &c. were taken JUST FOR THIS it would take 15 years!

    Do the fucking math.

    Same kind of scam as FDIC – it’s OK if one or two banks go tits-up – it’s absolutely, categorically, an unrecoverable financial catastrophe when they ALL fail (which is the purpose of it – there are NO unintended consequences – NO paradoxes – NO accidents – in politics – all the crises are by human design)!

  2. No problem. She can pay it all back after her first Goldman Sachs speech next year. Does she also get to retire from the Obama administration with 50 pledged superdelegates towards a Presidential run?

    Seriously, something is wrong with a powerful DC player holding on to what amounts to chump change graft for her. In a way, it’s more pathetic than Hillary’s scheming for hundreds of millions.

  3. “Will Sanders talk about this?”

    Nope. Doesn’t want to get browbeaten again. Look, let’s dispel with the notion that @POTUS doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing.

  4. It’s called vote-buying. Reps do it, too, but the Reps are merely disgustingly and obscenely expensive while the Dems are unbelievably, outrageously mind-bogglingly disgustingly and obscenely expensive.

    In other words, this is business as usual carried to ever more extreme depths.

  5. Here’s an Idea:
    Since government workers have steady employment without the risks of the marketplace, and excellent benefits as well (needless to say you can almost never fire one).
    Why not cut the pensions out of the incoming work force employment package and tell them to save money like everybody else.
    I see no reason to encourage a spendthrift lifestyle among the workers and make others pay for their non productivity after they leave the work force.

  6. Scumbag politicians with big ole huge fat lifetime government pensions payed for by taxing the poor working class stiff (and the future generations) – there’s your REAL one percent that we should all loath.

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