The Left Is Getting The Election Investigation They Don’t Want – IOTW Report

The Left Is Getting The Election Investigation They Don’t Want

Never let it be said that the President doesn’t listen to everyone.  After the Dems harped for weeks about the Russian rigging of the election, President Donald Trump has declared his intention to investigate voter fraud, especially where illegals and the dead voted.


28 Comments on The Left Is Getting The Election Investigation They Don’t Want

  1. Voter fraud is the staple of inner cities and democrat controlled counties.
    The democrats took GOD out of the platform, but they’re praying as they’re shredding evidence and deleting hard drives right now.

  2. I was hoping and praying that Trump would do this. Have a thorough, honest and open investigation and keep the people informed as it progresses. Put people in jail as appropriate, grant immunity only when it gets those higher up on the foodchain and use the results of the overall investigation to mandate real photo-id as well as other checks and balances to protect the voting process from criminal abuse. Besides, the Democrats and their progressive partners could be made irrelevant for decades.

  3. There’s a mighty train barreling down the tracks, steam pouring out its smoke stack, sparks flying off the rails. The driver has his head out the window, smiling away as the wind blows his hair back, and a lot of hair there is. That train is bound for glory.

  4. I’d especially like to see an investigation into the counting and endless re-counting of votes in Al Franken’s election. Such brazen contempt for ethics and the intelligence of the citizenry cries out for a beat down.

  5. Romney didn’t lose in 2012. Obama didn’t win in 2008.
    In many districts more people voted than lived there.
    Treachery has been afoot in our elections for many years. Fraud is not an outlier. It’s a staple in many precincts.

  6. Trump:”I lost popular vote to illegal votes”
    Media:”There is no voter fraud, Mr. President. It’s a lie show us proof”
    Trump: “I’ll investigate”

    Check and mate. MAGA

  7. Didn’t the Pew foundation already investigate this in 2012 and the report estimated 2-3 million illegal votes cast? So we now are told NO illegal votes were cast in 2016? California (with Eric holder’s assistance) is, right now, scrubbing their drivers license records to cover their tracks. Anyone remember B-1 Bob Dornan having his congressional seat robbed from him in the 90’s? He had proof of illegal voting, but the republican majority congress did nothing, so as not to offend the Mexicans.

  8. typical leftist assholes. No wonder they SUCK at chess. they never think ahead to visualize what the consequences of their actions will be. President Trump is playing three-dimensional chees here.

    The fascist Left is opposing Voter ID and ridiculing anyone who says that dead people are voting, illegal immigrants are voting, multiple-registered voters are voting. So Prez Trump says screw you, we’re gonna research it. I guarantee the results will prove the urgent need for Voter ID.

    This is the death spiral of the Left’s stranglehold on America. It’s a joy to watch it auger in.

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