The left is outraged because a Muslim kid was detained after bring “a clock” into school – IOTW Report

The left is outraged because a Muslim kid was detained after bring “a clock” into school


That is the actual device above. It’s a “digital clock.” Looks just like one, right?

How dare the teacher not be concerned when the thing started beeping in his nap sack.

Meanwhile, the OUTRAGED left has fainting spells if a kid eats a Pop Tart into the shape of a gun.

They have fainting spells if it kid eats a Pop Tart, period.


28 Comments on The left is outraged because a Muslim kid was detained after bring “a clock” into school

  1. What we need is strict clock control. There’s no reason for clocks to make their way into 9th grade backpacks. Please establish clock free zones, for the sake of the children. Mandate clock sniffing dogs in all schools and educate students about the hazards of knowing what time it is. Most importantly, drive home the point that only licensed clock makers are allowed to build clocks, anyone else is an outlaw.

  2. I was once called by the principal’s of my 4 YEAR OLD son’s school (kindergarten). It seems he had been running around on the playground holding his index finger and thumb as a “gun shape” and was “shooting” other children.

    I told them I was shocked, and that they should immediately confiscate his hands so I could pick them up from the office when I arrived to pick him up that afternoon.

    When I did get there, I had a little talk with the principal, which included the phrase, “if you think that boy can actually hurt or kill someone by pointing his finger at them, you’ve been watching too many X-Man movies.” I also asked them why the two children I could see right outside the window at that very moment who were pointing Harry Potter-style magic wands at each other (essentially, a wooden stilleto) were not objects of concern, but a 4-year-old with bare hands was.

    The answer I got was that magic wands aren’t real, but guns are.

    The level of diconnect in the liberal mind never fails to astonish.

  3. Let’s see. A Muslim boy by the name of Ahmed Mohamed brings an ‘invention’ to school inside his nap sack. It begins beeping. What would you do?

    At it’s core, I believe this is nothing more than a test. As a follower of Muhammad and the teaching within the Koran, virtue is defined as the ability to deceive the adversary. If this isn’t treated as a security threat, who knows what little Ahmed will bring into school next time? It could just as likely be another ‘clock’ attached to dynamite.

  4. The hell. Each summer my mom used to take us by the Montana Territorial Prison in Deerlodge MT. This was back in the sixties and seventies.

    They had a “gift shop” wherein prisoners used to sell items they had made in order to put money in their account to purchase such things as cigarettes and candy bars.

    Each summer I would purchase a hand plaited eight foot bull whip & matching rawhide quirt and each fall my mother would have to visit the Principal in order to negotiate appropriate punishment would be meted out to me for bull whipping some degenerate bastard who had been waiting for the bullwhippin’ he justly had coming to him.

    The bull whip & quirt would be confiscated and the Principal probably took them to Seattle and gave it to some practitioner of B&D he was paying to get his rocks off and I would get my ass paddled a few times followed by a few extra days added to my weekend.

    It really wasn’t a big deal to let boys be boys back then.

  5. What a bunch of morons. Please point out the part that goes boom. It’s a digital electronic project kit. Probably got it on Amazon.

    If my watch starts beeping does that make it a bomb?

    Back under your beds.

  6. I call bullshit. The little ass said he whipped it together in 20 minutes. He couldn’t have laid out the traces on the circuit board and etched it that fast, let alone design and build the entire thing to professional standards in that short a time. Besides that, a clock is so basic – one simple chip – what we’re being shown ain’t one. Even if it was a pre-made kit he bought online, he didn’t solder it together in 20 minutes, and in any case it wouldn’t be HIS design.

    Now look at the pic on twitter. If you were a teacher or LEO and somebody – even a kid – brought that briefcase into a classroom, especially little Mohamed who had a reputation for agitating for islame, you’d probably call SWAT and evacuate the students. He’s lucky that DIDN’T happen, because any LEO is going to be prepared to blow the MF away, kid or no kid, at the slightest hint he’s not 100% cooperating.

    Whatever DID happen, it isn’t what we’re being told.

  7. That’s factory made. Look at the solder connections. He must have just removed the guts from an alarm clock. I’ve made clocks with a 555 timer, a couple of clock chips, a few transistors, capacitors, and resistors and some 7-segment displays. The small components like those on the board above are used in assembly line production. Radio Shack components are a lot bigger, just looking at the size of the connectors and that flat capacitor.

    Still, if the kid is a muslim, deport his ass and his parents too.

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