The Left Sides With North Korea Dictator After He Insults Trump – IOTW Report

The Left Sides With North Korea Dictator After He Insults Trump

The left on Twitter is delighted with the insult, praising the dictator who threatens the world with nuclear weapons.

I am going to start wearing a shirt that issues a warning to leftists. “Say your stupid $hit in my presence at your own peril. I will gladly do jail time for a chance to knock you the ƒuck out.”


Also, a side note – the retarded left thinks that Kim Jong Un said the word “dotard.” They are too sluggish to figure out that this was a translation from Korean to English.

The stupid is overwhelming with these cretins.



14 Comments on The Left Sides With North Korea Dictator After He Insults Trump

  1. Me thinks that a 📦 is about to be delivered to KimDingDong. Not Fedex. Not UPS. Not USPS.
    It wouldn’t even have to be a bomb. It could just be a friendly box of chocolates from Donald to Kim that lands unexpectedly on his lap.

    Thinking of you. Love Donald.

    P.S. precision guidance is a bitch, isn’t it?

  2. Ask the leftists about their hero Un’s wife. She hasn’t been seen forever. Was she put to death by anti-aircraft gun or by running her over with a tank?

    Ask the leftists about their hero Un and how he treats the population of North Korea in general. Must be nice to worship a monster like Un for mocking Trump, a monster who would torture and execute entire families for not having enough pictures of Un hanging in their house.

    Bravo regressives, bravo!

  3. Reboot you got me laughing at Kid Kimchi. I like fermented cabbage like in sauerkraut but not kimchi, the stuff stinks like hell just like lil Kim does. My brother makes kimchi, I don’t know how he can stand the stuff. I’d almost rather eat a baloot since they both stink like hell.

  4. I am going to start wearing a shirt that issues a warning to leftists. “Say your stupid $hit in my presence at your own peril. I will gladly do jail time for a chance to knock you the ƒuck out.”
    Understated and Brilliant. Love it.

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