People who teach your children rejected Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson as school names because “they were part of the confederacy.” – IOTW Report

People who teach your children rejected Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson as school names because “they were part of the confederacy.”

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

I’ve long been unimpressed with the general populations’s brain power. Now I have to include academics. It is frightening how stupid educators are.

ht/ js

12 Comments on People who teach your children rejected Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson as school names because “they were part of the confederacy.”

  1. The point is misunderstood entirely. It is not the intent to scrub current undesirables from the books; the intent is to scrub the books from memory. When that point is observed, it is easily understood that this has long been the goal, and the end becomes clear. There are some who wish to again try what has historically been rejected by mankind; namely, the slavery against which these operators rail, and the path to it’s undoing.

  2. “It is frightening how stupid educators are.”

    You’re just catching on to this now? I’ve been noticing this since the 70s. Wait till it gets saturated in the tech, civil engineering jobs. “Duh, bridge and aqueduct should be built intersectionally like lesbians and BLM duh duh. Me fix electric grid and nuclear power plant now. Oh, duh, me have to fly Delta 747 first. Heh, me stupid. Then me perform brain surgery on your daughter. (Pink Floyd mad laughter)

  3. we are in the midst of the third United States Revolution
    … & I ain’t getting a warm fuzzy about it …

    most of the populace is ambivalent, at best … & the Maoist/Stalinists have control of the media … witness the banning of Mr. Pinko on YouTube if you need further proof

    learn people, learn …. stop fooling yourselves …we are NOT winning!

  4. “we are in the midst of the third United States Revolution”

    Nope, it hasn’t even begun yet. My shop turned into a Sac County Cop Shop this afternoon. 10 of them, 3 EDH Sheriffs. Most memorable quote, “Hey Fucker, how come your not wearing you body armor?” Wait no that’s not it. Here it is, “Can’t wait until the average Joe raids the Capital. We’ve talked it over, no Sac County Sheriff will do shit”.

  5. P.S.
    They all drove there in their cruisers and in uniform. So if you read anything about a gun manufacturer being raided in El Dorado County it’s not accurate. I’m pretty sure it had the neighboring businesses a little freaked out. I love these guys.

  6. There is no oversight. Teachers teach other teachers, they even appoint their overseers. The union guarantees that and then the colleges/universities hire their own kind.

    “Oh, elect conservatives to the school board”. pffft. Union spends 100-1 over any conservative. Public ed has you BONED. For the sake of your kids, gtfo NOW.

  7. One of the big problems my daughter’s Christian school has is hiring both teachers and administrators who have worked in public schools.

    We find that they can’t make decisions for themselves and they are “strict stupid” interpreters of the rules to the point of laughter. We have a principle who has 35 years experience who won’t come out of his office to visit the classroom because he fears (feared) having to deal with teacher’s unions (which we don’t have but he hasn’t figured out yet).

    Overall unsatisfactory but the headmaster has 25 years experience as well as tries to run the school as the “godfather” – we’re trying to get rid of the “board” that hired them but it takes awhile. PUBLIC and PRIVATE CHRISTIAN schools don’t translate well. Discipline and standards have dropped and teachers are suddenly lost within direct supervision and input.

    p.s. That’s why she’s going to military (her choice) next year.

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