The left was offended by Trump’s common sense declaration that “mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun.” – IOTW Report

The left was offended by Trump’s common sense declaration that “mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun.”

Vox doesn’t think that “mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun.” They think the guns, the inanimate object, is the problem.


VOX- The statement President Donald Trump read from the White House on Monday morning in response to the mass shootings that took place over the weekend in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, amounted to an effort to talk about everything and anything besides guns.

Because the guns are not the problem. If they were there would millions of shootings a year.

Trump did at one point directly denounce the type of white supremacy that motivated the El Paso shooter, saying “in one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacy.” But when it came to proposing policy responses, his response to shootings that left at least 31 dead and 52 injured amounted to a grab bag of ideas that avoided the real problem.

What about the Dayton shooter? He was a lefty.

The president proposed working with social media companies to “detect mass shooters before they strike,” regulation of violent video games, “involuntary confinement” of “mentally disturbed individuals who may commit acts of violence,” and an expansion of the death penalty in cases of hate crimes or mass murders to be “delivered quickly, decisively, and without years of needless delay.” He explicitly downplayed the role high-powered guns played in the shootings, saying “mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun.”

There were red flags about this Dayton shooter that went ignored.

As Trump began to wrap up reading his statement, he seemed to suffer from a bad case of dry mouth, and he mistakenly claimed that the shooting in Ohio took place in Toledo, not Dayton.

The dem frontrunner, Joe Biden, said the shootings were in Houston and Michigan.

While Trump was right to identify white supremacy as a major factor in the El Paso shooting, there are a few obvious rebuttals to things he said in his speech. First, people in many other countries indulge in violent video games without mass shootings being regular occurrences, so the suggestion that gaming is to blame is, at the very least, insufficient if not outright mistaken.

But other countries also have “assault rifles”in possession of their citizens with no “mass-shooting crisis.”

Second, considering First Amendment rights and the fact that the internet is international, there are questions about how efficacious government regulations of social media can be in preventing mass shootings. Third, mass shooters often commit acts of violence without expecting to survive, so the notion that expanding the death penalty will deter them is dubious. And finally, people with mental illnesses are far more likely to be the victims of gun violence than they are to perpetrate it.

And how would the left’s proposals, whatever they are, prevent the mentally unhinged, with mass murder on their minds, from committing mass murder?

In a statement released Sunday, American Psychological Society President Rosie Phillips Davis pointed out that “[r]outinely blaming mass shootings on mental illness is unfounded and stigmatizing. Research has shown that only a very small percentage of violent acts are committed by people who are diagnosed with, or in treatment for, mental illness.”

You switched gears midfield. You went from mass shootings to “violent acts.” We know your game. Most people who commit mass shootings are mentally ill. Most “violent acts” are not mass shootings.

“The rates of mental illness are roughly the same around the world, yet other countries are not experiencing these traumatic events as often as we face them,” David added. “One critical factor is access to, and the lethality of, the weapons that are being used in these crimes. Adding racism, intolerance and bigotry to the mix is a recipe for disaster.”

The left does not care about black people.

As my colleague German Lopez explained, the real problem is guns, and Americans’ easy access to them – America doesn’t have a monopoly on racism, sexism, other kinds of bigotry, mental illness, or violent video games. All of those things exist in countries across the world, many with much less gun violence. What is unique about the US is that it makes it so easy for people with any motive or problem to obtain a gun.”

I have easy access to drugs, liquor, prostitutes and cigarettes. I partake in none of these vices. I am not atypical in this regard. Easy access does compel usage. In fact, I’d probably be more attracted to an activity if the government told me I wasn’t allowed.

But based on what Trump said on Monday morning, he still seems unwilling to confront that reality.

Uhhhhh. No. You aren’t.

Trump’s White House statement came shortly after he posted tweets responding to the mass shootings that could’ve been lifted directly from the El Paso shooter’s racist manifesto. Trump suggested that the legislative response to the shootings should include hardline immigration reform and then followed that up by tweeting that “these terrible problems will only get worse” unless news coverage starts “being fair” — his suggestion seemingly being that mass shootings will continue unless the media covers him more positively.

The one thing that Trump is not talking about is restricting access to the sorts of firearms that enable gunmen to shoot 15 people in less than a minute.

I can shoot 15 people in less than a minute with 4 handguns, and I never shot a handgun in my life.

Until he does, statements like the one he struggled to read on Monday amount to an attempt to obscure the real problem.

21 Comments on The left was offended by Trump’s common sense declaration that “mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun.”

  1. Exactly. VOX and the rest cannot face reality. Because reality is brutal, truthful and doesn’t give a shit about their ‘feelings’. That’s nature. They’re trying to live in a fantasy ALL the time.

    If guns are the problem, by that logic, I have to get rid of my frying pan because it gave me high cholesterol.

  2. The left’s upset, because that’s ALSO the constituency that pulls the “straight democrap” lever in the voting booth – and we can’t have them OR the rats maligned! 🙄

  3. The only statement from President Trump that will satisfy these cretins is, “Effective immediately, I am stepping down as President of the United States.”

    No other words will ever be enough for them.

  4. Also in breaking breathless msNBC news. . .

    The problem is NOT video games.
    Not Video Games.
    It white people.
    Do Not, Repeat, DO NOT look at any video game social media instigated by left wing drifter grifters and the dupes they dupe.
    It’s white racism.

    Do not look at these implanted exfbi and billionaire funded social agents social media social droids.
    Look over there.
    Look at horrible white America.

  5. Gotta admit I didn’t like his reference to “white supremacy,” since neither the El Paso nor Dayton shooters were. Weak!

    More troubling is “Red Flag” legislation.
    *If* I understand it correctly [please correct me if I’m not!], it’s a Fig Leaf which would allow the Left to dig up Radical “doctors” to declare one person after another on the Right to be “unstable,” and suddenly that individual can no longer obtain firearms…sort of a workaround to “banning” firearms.

    I only hope this sort of talk from him is a “head fake” prior to some SERIOUS release of damaging information…and/or indictments.

  6. There is no pleasing the Left on this issue so don’t try.

    If Trump banned all guns ex post facto and effective immediately, they would say too little, too late.

    Start a task force. If needed qualify ownership of certain types of weapons with required training or membership in a local training program that can act as a pulse check on the whackadoos up to age 25 or so at the state level.

  7. How many days till the Left push this tragedy too far like they do everything else?

    Sadly, I thought POTUS looked very tired and not quite himself in this speech. Too many things going on and I imagine he is under great threat by those screaming the loudest. I worry about him traveling to El Paso or Dayton.

  8. The Left=Communist=Criminals using the power of political position to accomplish a coup. The main problem at present is who has control of the US Military and the national police forces, because overthrow is happening fast and furiously. There is a conflict of power going on among political mafias. All of them want the country destructed and any remnants of Constitutional Law outlawed.

    The stooges the FBI picks are no better than a ventriloquist dummy with no mental capability of his own. Whatever the stooges do is only what they have been programmed to do. This is active warfare terrorism against the American people by its own government. It is very probable that any actual shooting was done by a professional hit team.

    “Because he was heard on the radio, many people did not know that Charlie was a ventriloquist dummy and not a real person. His personality was so vibrant, it is like he was a completely separate person.”

    BOMBSHELL: Mass shooting events follow pattern of “FBI terror plots” documented by the New York Times… agents recruit social media extremists to frame as scapegoats for engineered violence
    Sunday, August 04, 2019 by: Mike Adams

    “It now appears abundantly obvious that the FBI is the most prolific terrorist organization in America, and this fact has been confirmed by the New York Times. Under the treasonous command of Barack Obama and James Comey, the FBI was radicalized and weaponized into a treasonous crime syndicate that routinely plotted and carried out acts of terrorism against the United States of America, all while covering up the damning evidence of criminality and treason that should have sent Hillary Clinton to prison.”

  9. “Because the guns are not the problem. If they were there would millions of shootings a year.”

    And the thousands of new gun laws over the last 50 years would have decreased mass shootings instead of increasing them.

  10. Gee I wonder how they feel about gas pedals in vans. Last April 23, 2018 a van plowed into a group of people on a Monday afternoon in North Toronto killing 9 and injuring many more. The point is crazy people will find ways to kill lots of people without guns. In fact, I suspect that once this guy jumped the curb and made his intentions known a gun could have stopped it. Bullshit knee-jerk reactions from Vox and every other media outlet with an agenda.

  11. By my humble definition, anyone who (with forethought and malice) takes the lives of innocent fellow citizens is not SANE. Does the lack of sanity establish mental illness?
    And secondly with regard to the vox talking points, I would assume that ALL of those other second amendment loving countries (fantasy) referred to, may not have a deep state perpetrating false flag operations.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  12. All of Trump’s ideas were good EXCEPT for that stupid regurgitation of the rights favorite blame game- vilifying and regulating video games.
    (What are we? China?)

    Yes there are some nasty ones but they aren’t any worse than any horror movie or r rated film.
    Video games DON’T cause any of this shit, just like the gun isn’t to blame you can’t blame the video game.

    It makes a person sound out of touch and out dated to blame them.

  13. If you blame any media then I guess most movies, music, etc need to be regulated too, right?

    As someone who regularly games, knows multiple people who game, and has uncles who were ahead of the video gaming curve, I can assure you that blaming something like murder on a art medium is STUPID.

    How many fooked up movies are out there? COUNTLESS. I still don’t think that they deserve to be censored.

    Sin will seek out sin, a person who wants to commit a crime will seek out the littlest reason.

    You can’t blame it on a medium unless it’s something like porn or actual footage of assault. You know, REAL stuff. Not fantasy.



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