The Leftist Brain is Addled – IOTW Report

The Leftist Brain is Addled

Trump said Mexico is sending us their rapists.

What did the left hear?

“Trump said Mexicans are rapists.”

They all claim he said this. That means you can confidently paint the left with a broad brush, and I am confidently slathering them with the stupid brush.

Do away with the donkey. This should be the democrat party symbol–> for they are the stupid party.

Elizabeth Warren claims that calling her Pocahontas is a racist swipe at native Americans, and the rest of the stupid party nods in unison. They don’t get that we’re calling her Pocahontas, sarcastically, to punctuate that she’s not in any way, shape or form, a native American. It’s like calling Maxine Waters “Einstein.” (That’s not a swipe at Einstein.) 

Speaking of Einstein, Malik Shabazz just said this-

PJ Media: Shabazz, who organized the rally, slammed Trump for calling an NFL player who kneels during the national anthem a “son of a bitch.”

“Where is your militancy, black man? Donald Trump says black men are sons of bitches and thereby he calls, pardon me, but I have to say it, he calls the black woman a bitch as well.”

If you call Colin Kaepernick a son of a bitch you’re calling all black men “sons of bitches”? That’s some fuzzy math. By the way, here’s Kaepernick’s mother —-> She was born a poor black woman. Some say “a bitch.”

I’m taking a big risk joking around a leftist because they do not understand sarcasm. They simply look for trigger words, and if they appear in the same paragraph, like black woman and bitch, you’re a target of their protests, because this—>

I knew we were in trouble, and dealing with  when Obama was famously caught on a rope line saying he intended on “spreading the wealth.” It was induced by a guy who would be tagged with the nickname “Joe the Plumber.”

What was the left’s counterargument to Obama’s admission that he harbored socialist ideas?

“Joe’s not even a real plumber.”

Somehow this negated anything Obama said. 

If Trump and Warren debate in 2019 and Warren induces a damaging answer from Trump I guess we could say that it matters little because Warren isn’t a real Indian, right?

Of course, we wouldn’t say that because we’re not .


Thanks to Wirecutter who inspired this post with THIS POST.




12 Comments on The Leftist Brain is Addled

  1. Maybe the left thinks they’re sending us their therapists. Beaner psychologists, what could possible go wrong? It’s no wonder the left relies so heavily on therapy, they can’t get anything right and always feel guilty about everything.

  2. They are not only stupid, they suffer from memory loss; The same Dems who fawned over Kim Jong Un’s sister at the Olympics are freaking out today because Trump diplomatically called Kim Jong Un “honorable”.

    Colbert, if you make a Kim Jong Un joke tonight, you’d better make sure your audience is up to date on the current leftist opinion of Un. So they know whether to clap or boo.

  3. Everything that a person does and says anymore, is taken as being indicative of their central beliefs and can be used to sum up your entire existence.
    Own a firearm? You ‘Like Guns’ and are a Hillbilly Stooge of the Right
    Traditional beliefs on marriage? Homophobic Intolerant Hater Stooge of the Right
    Prefer women that were previously not men? LGBTQ+-Intolerant Hater Stooge of the Right
    Don’t like weevils in your corn? GMO Earth destroying Intolerant Hater Stooge of the Right
    Think boys who want to be girls should not be given female hormones at eight so they can ‘Transition’? Trans Intolerant Hater Stooge of the Right
    Think folks should obey the law? Just plain Stooge of the Right
    Obey the law yourself as an example to others? Idiotic Stooge of the Right
    Cognizant that Traditions help with Societal Continuance? Stooge of the Right! Stooge of the Right! Probably calls his wife ‘Mother’
    Have the temerity to disagree with Liberal Pap when it is ladled out as enlightenment? Stooge of the Right! Probably has unsavory contact with chickens.

  4. Could you imagine if the tables were flipped? The nightly news would still be looking into vast russian collusion that forced Hillary to call conservatives deplorable. Because that’s all that would matter.

  5. “you got a mighty purty mouth…… DON’T say nuthin’ just DO IT!”

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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