The leftist plan for terrorism – IOTW Report

The leftist plan for terrorism

ht/ js

17 Comments on The leftist plan for terrorism

  1. obama’s plan for ISIS
    1, Call ISIS the JV Team
    2, Jobs for jihadists… Preferably green sustainable jobs
    3, Golf
    4, Call ISIS “ISIL”
    5, Insist they aren’t islamic
    6, Arm ISIS
    7, Insist that ISIS is on the run
    8, Send James Taylor to Paris
    9, Fight a “sensitive” war
    10, Do nothing while ISIS rapes and murders the Yazidis
    11, Engage in a Narrative War
    12, Golf more
    13, Declare a Narrative Victory
    14, Declare that ISIS is contained
    15, Check James Taylor’s Tour schedule
    16, Ally with Putin and then complain when Putin bombs the camel humpers into islamic paradise…
    17, Complain because Trump doesn’t have a plan

  2. @Groucho Marxist. From your link:

    “It has become something of an online custom in the social media age to react to tragic news stories — like Wednesday’s attack in London — with like “thoughts and prayers.” But that does not appear to be Donald Trump Jr.’s style.”

    No,NYT, it is not his style. It’s not mine either.

    Speaking of “well-meaning if sometimes rote messages”…….That’s not who we are.

    No, NYT

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