The Left’s Playbook, “Beautiful Trouble” – IOTW Report

The Left’s Playbook, “Beautiful Trouble”

If you ever wondered why leftist tactics are so consistent you need to read their playbook, “Beautiful Trouble.” Read it for free at the Internet Archive. Here

There’s also a helpful training site for those progressives who can’t be bothered to pick up a book. Here

According to James Lindsay, the basic strategy is to push, push, push until rational people push back then play the victim. Lindsey’s bullet on this update of “Rules for Radicals.” Here

It seems the best way to counter their constant harassment is to find their pressure points and press until they squeal.

8 Comments on The Left’s Playbook, “Beautiful Trouble”

  1. The phrase beautiful trouble is nothing but the usual oxymoron. How can trouble be beautiful? Only the left could conjure up such an obsfucation of the language to render it meaningless. Don’t people even bother to think for themselves anymore? Or are they so brain dead and totally brainwashed by the worthless and useless public K-12 education system that they have to led around blindly by the left in order to know what to think about any given subject. Conservatives are the non-conformists; leftists believe whatever bullshit is peddled their way and treat it as the gospel truth.

  2. The phrase beautiful trouble is nothing but the usual oxymoron. How can trouble be beautiful? Only the left could conjure up such an obsfucation of the language to render it meaningless. Don’t people even bother to think for themselves anymore? Or are they so brain dead and totally brainwashed by the worthless and useless public K-12 education system that they have to led around blindly by the left in order to know what to think about any given subject. Conservatives are the non-conformists; leftists believe whatever bullshit is peddled their way and treat it as the gospel truth.

  3. According to James Lindsay, the basic strategy is to push, push, push until rational people push back then play the victim.

    One push back is not an appropriate response to push, push, push.
    “Rational people” really need to pay closer attention to those stupid cat videos.


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