The Left’s Purge of Its Own History – IOTW Report

The Left’s Purge of Its Own History

The effort to remove the names of Civil War confederate figures has migrated downward to high schools and grade schools.


 The next wave coming from our colleges is forced compliance with grievance group defined tolerance, as demonstrated by the battle of the dreadlocks at San Francisco State.

 All of these efforts are attempts to erode free expression because the left can only defend its attempt to stifle everyone else by declaring the need to protect the feelings of the protected classes.  If everyone else’s right to speak and express themselves are trampled in the repression, so much the better for the left. 


 It’s ugly, repressive and a threat to self-government.

9 Comments on The Left’s Purge of Its Own History

  1. For some time now both sides in the Civil War have been considered, by Act and Law to be US Veterans.

    These people are denigrating US Veteran Memorials.

    And for that I say Fuck You. Try it in front of me. Your education just hit passing gear.

  2. The war of northern aggression should never have happened, had a more rational man been in charge, it wouldn’t have.
    Even though the South was forced into battle, what the Democrat party morphed into after the war was and is despicable in every way. The creation of the KKK alone should have been justification for disbanding the party.
    They want to change history because they are embarrassed by it.
    That they are just now realizing that they were wrong is very telling of their mindset.

  3. As contentious as the politics is now – esp. with Barky’s divisive lying BS. – so how is it all those Congressmen could have come to an agreement that they would ALL switch parties.
    Seriously WTF – but they’re still teaching it, my barber in his 40s has gone back to college and he just heard it in his history class.

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