The Long Hot Week – IOTW Report

The Long Hot Week

Menderman sends in the weather report for Philly this week.


27 Comments on The Long Hot Week

  1. Will Bernie Sanders’ precious little snowflakes melt in the heat?
    These people don’t strike me as the ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’ types.

  2. Gonna smell at the DNC in Philly…

    Whiskey bottles, and brand new cars
    Oak tree you’re in my way
    There’s too much coke and too much smoke
    Look what’s going on inside you
    Oh that smell
    Can’t you smell that smell
    Oh that smell
    The smell of death surrounds you

  3. @PHenry:

    They’re going to be dropping like flies, when you factor the weather, stupidity, and the invincibility of youth together.

    A couple of years ago my work building had an evacuation drill on a day like this. I was standing around in the hot sun for maybe half an hour. A few hours later I was such a mess with heat exhaustion that they had to wheel me–I was too weak to stand–into the ER, where I had to be not only rehydrated intravenously and held overnight for observation. When I was released the following morning and went home, I spent 17 of the next 22 hours asleep. The five hours I was awake were mostly spent drinking water by the liter.

    These uncontrollable weather variables are no joke. Pajama Boys and Girls better watch out.

  4. it’s going to be so hot in Philthydelphia that you can cook Scrapple and Pork Roll on the sidewalk. But then again, that’s how those Goddam Shoobies normally cook it up there.

  5. The natives have already been restless (read:shootings) in July hot Cincinnati this past week (of course none of it was connected by the media to the NAACP convention) and I imagine it will be worse in Philly.

  6. Lurch Kerry recently uttered some verbal diarrhea about air conditioners being as big a threat as ISIS. Somebody has GOT to shut off the AC at the convention center, until the whole stinking lot of them BEG for it!

  7. I’m loving it that these entitled jackasses are doing all of our work for us.

    I’m actually tempted to put a sign on my vehicle that promotes Jill Stein over Hillary just to add some gas to the fire.

    Trump is smart if he capitalizes on this kind of ammunition.

  8. This election is nothing if not entertaining.
    Now that Ted Cruz has managed to kick himself in the nads and ramen noodle head D Wasserman Schultz has been ejected from her leading role in the DNC, the question is will Bernie go full Ted Cruz tonight or will his Sanders utopian glee club bring pitchforks and torches to the party?
    What’s next? I’m predicting a biblical plague of flies & toads along with full scale zika outbreak in Philadelphia tonight. Later, maybe tomorrow, the Delaware River will turn blood red. Paint your front door with lambs blood folks. Don’t go out in the streets Menderman, whatever you do.

  9. I’m over 500 miles away from Philly Mickey, in a 70% Republican town. People here leave their keys in the car and doors unlocked. There ain’t enough money in the world to get me to live in any shithole dem city.

  10. I wonder where all the anarchists and basic shit disturbers are? These are the ones that show up during world trade conferences and the like. The GOP convention was pretty quiet but with luck they’ve saved their pennies and are in Philly. With even more luck the Philly PD will think twice about going in to rescue the DNC if things turn to burning and looting. I mean, you never know when a Mayor and the DA will decide to prosecute cops for doing their job.

  11. They need to glass enclose that 8 ft fence to contain the runaway mold and fungus that will be created by so much corruption gathered in one place, under heat. The DNC Petri dish will overflow.

  12. Blustery with extreme hot air warnings, followed by dense ground fog and unprecedented pollution.

    You are advised to take shelter until this shitstem blows over.

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