The Longer Authorities Hold Back On Berdoo Terror Shooting Info They Supposedly Know, The More I Am Convinced They Will Not Be Able To Vet Middle Eastern Refugees – IOTW Report

The Longer Authorities Hold Back On Berdoo Terror Shooting Info They Supposedly Know, The More I Am Convinced They Will Not Be Able To Vet Middle Eastern Refugees

Just who the frig is this Tashfeen Malik?  There are no records of her, there is no info on her, there are no pictures of her. She’s a mystery. There is even speculation that Tashfeen Malik is not her real name.

All we know is that Syed went to Saudi Arabia, came back, and then some Pakistani woman came to America with a baby claiming to be Syed’s wife. We don’t even know for sure if he was married to her.

The info is sketchy and this is a person of interest. What are the chances the feds are going to know anything at all about 100s of thousands of refugees flooding into America?


18 Comments on The Longer Authorities Hold Back On Berdoo Terror Shooting Info They Supposedly Know, The More I Am Convinced They Will Not Be Able To Vet Middle Eastern Refugees

  1. All we know is that Syed went to Saudi Arabia, came back, and then some Pakistani woman came to America with a baby claiming to be Syed’s wife. We don’t even know for sure if he was married to her.

    Sounds sort of like the saga of Stanley Ann and Barack Sr. I think we need to get a look at that six month old baby’s BC and nip the nonsense in the bud.

  2. You don’t sound like someone who knows who we are. We were once a proud and great nation with many faults. We are now trying to fix our once flawed ways and in the process we must import anyone that wants to keel us. That is who we are now.

  3. I wonder when we’ll start seeing fake conservative, Tea Party type mass shooters, I’m sure the loony left has enough kamikaze type’s that are willing to die for the common good.

  4. The FedGov is totally corrupt and has NO INTENTION of vetting Syrian jihadis or any other moslem savages. They are importing them to destabilize and assist in the race war Obola is fomenting. The socialists believe they can control the jihadis as they do the local indigenous ghetto dwellers, assured in their intellectual superiority and their grand genius at social manipulation. They consider the religious zealotry to be useful but ultimately foolish, as the jihadis embrace the great panoply of American free shit that has mesmerized so many others. They are incapable of understanding that some people REALLY do believe in God, the Constitution, American Excellence, and, conversely, allah, mohammud, izlam, sharia, and jihad.

    Since they believe in nothing but enriching themselves at the expense of others through the Legislative and Judicial processes (not through work or invention), they, wrongly, assume that everyone is a phony-ass hypocrite, as well.

  5. Id like to know how that POS Farooq got a cushy State job–one that many patriotic whites and blacks would have liked to have I am sure. ANd doesn’t make you feel all warm and cozy that a muslim terrorist had access to all information about water and other utilities in California? Look at Obamas picks for power positions-butch looking hispanic women, Sheboons and commies. This country needs a miracle .

  6. Anyone know the racial makeup of Isloid Shitstain Jihadis’ victims? Haven’t the majority of victims, including 9/11, been caucasian?

    The Commiecunts will flood this country to the gills with whitey-killers.

  7. Don’t be surprised to learn that CAIR (aka Moslem Brotherhood) has the 411 on the dead female jihadist.

    Why wouldn’t they?

    They were johnny-on-the-spot with the family of Pooky Farooky for a CAIR presser.

  8. What about the 3rd suspect? The one that ran from the scene of the shootout? The one seen running through yards? The one they did the house to house search for? The one taken into custody?

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