The Look of Loon is in Your Eyes – IOTW Report

The Look of Loon is in Your Eyes

… The Look of Left

It’s saying so much more than just words could ever say.

What did she do? Well, she let her TDS go unchecked, and now she is looking at 20+ years in the pokey.


A woman from Canada pleaded guilty on Wednesday to mailing a threatening letter containing the poison ricin to then-President Donald Trump at the White House.

The letter from Pascale Ferrier, 55, directing Trump to “give up and remove your application for this election,” was intercepted at a mail sorting facility in September 2020 before it could reach the White House.


24 Comments on The Look of Loon is in Your Eyes

  1. You guys gotta come up here and see the shit first hand.

    It’s America “Lite” with a little bit of “Alaska Blue” Crazy esp. in winter.

    North Bay Ontario, not a sober soul after 5PM any day.
    Winnipeg Manitoba allegedly one of the 5 coldest cities in the world & flat as a pancake. (nothing to see for miles)
    Quebec – Anyone else fucked a pig lately?
    BC – Legal & endorsed Glory Holes & Heroine shooting galleries.

    NOTE: While visiting you will be COMPLETELY UNARMED. PERIOD! No legal right to self defence in the same context as the USA.

    Cheers, have a Crown Royal on ME!

  2. Why would a Canuk “woman” GAF about President Trump?

    Not her problem.

    I don’t like that shitbag the Canuks have, but … he’s not my problem!
    If they allow their “elections” to be stolen (like us) just have to eat shit and like it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Kcir – watching in Canuckistan JANUARY 26, 2023 AT 6:28 PM

    While I (and possibly some others) greatly appreciate the kind offer, I will have to decline at this time.
    Hell, I’ve got two strapped on as I type this at my warm fuzzy happy home. Come to Canuckistan to wander unarmed? Even on the American side of Lac La Croix I’m carrying.

    Please continue to report so that we will be well informed enough to NOT WANT to cross the border.

  4. I am a Schmart man…. I can see
    the demonic insanity in both of them.
    It is now estimated that 30% of all Americans
    have some sort of mental illness from mild -to-wild!

  5. KCIR: “North Bay Ontario, not a sober soul after 5PM any day.
    Winnipeg Manitoba allegedly one of the 5 coldest cities in the world & flat as a pancake. (nothing to see for miles)
    Quebec – Anyone else fucked a pig lately?
    BC – Legal & endorsed Glory Holes & Heroine shooting galleries.”

    All this, and more my friend, is exactly why we fled “Beautiful British Columbia.” We have been in Texas for 10 months now and haven’t regretted a single minute. I won’t pretend it was easy, or not financially damaging, or stress less, or precarious. It was and still is. But I wouldn’t change a single thing. We are here if you need us, we have room to accomodate a family of five and would be happy to help in any way we can.


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