The Los Angeles What? – IOTW Report

The Los Angeles What?

Unfortunate slip of the tongue.


23 Comments on The Los Angeles What?

  1. She said she’d “NEVER” use a racist term yet there it is for all to hear!

    If this were Tucker Carlson, CNN would have Fredo Homo hyperventilating about it 24/7, 365 while Don Lemon jerks him off.

  2. There’s a good chance she was being fed comments via TelePrompter. Listen to her abrupt pause between “Los Angeles” and “Ni99ers.” I suspect she was surprised at seeing the word, but read it any way, correcting it when she heard herself say it.

    If you have staff that don’t like you, they’ll often type in trap-words to trip you up. You’ll say the word without thinking, assuming it’s legit. It has happened to me more than once…but only ONCE per person, if you get my drift.

  3. I hear nikkers. She’s from NY, sounds like she got tongue tied between Knicks and Lakers.

    I’d give her a pass, but she lives in a world she helped create. That world just may eat her alive.

  4. Miss Morris may be related to the NBC Rochester, NY TV weatherman Jeremy Kappell who referred to Martin Luther Coon King Junior Park just one year ago. He said he was “tongue-tied” and “mixed up his words.”

  5. slip of the tounge my ass

    she said what she said

    liberals are all racist

    they think minorities deserve special consideration because they are so low on the totem pole

  6. I saw the story and was like, uh oh, she’s toast. Then I heard the clip and got the same impression as Gunny.

    Truth doesn’t matter. The alliteration of los angeles laker, go from “los” to “an” then from “les” back to “an” as a reflex could happen.

    Fact remains that tens of millions of people with ipods that carry songs packed with more n-words than the slave ship Amistad will have their indignation noted.

    Her tongue slip was n-word adjacent.

  7. It makes perfect sense.
    “Lakers” and “Niggers” are so similar in both sound and spelling.

    Sorta like those things that sound identical but mean something different?
    Whatta ya callem?

    Two – too – to
    Steak – stake
    Steal – steel
    Reign – rain
    Lakers – niggers
    Mistake anyone could make.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Sylvia JANUARY 26, 2020 AT 11:41 PM
    “There’s a good chance she was being fed comments via TelePrompter. Listen to her abrupt pause between “Los Angeles” and “Ni99ers.” I suspect she was surprised at seeing the word, but read it any way, correcting it when she heard herself say it.”

    …wouldn’t be the first time a reporterette did something stupid like that, they really just read what they’re given, no actual thought involved…

    …THAT one was even BETTER, though, because someone wrote it for the SLIDE, too…

  9. @Blue Toof. That reminds me of some pictures I saw in the 1960’s of a small group of American Nazis who were parading around wearing ridiculous military uniforms with swastika armbands, carrying signs with the words: Martin Luther Coon. They all had buzz cuts as well, and some wore eye-glasses. A real attractive bunch.

    At the time, I was more amused about it than anything. Sometimes, evil is so outrageous it actually becomes funny. Those guys were the real life embodiment of a caricature.


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