The Love Affair Between the British Labour Party and Adolf Hitler – IOTW Report

The Love Affair Between the British Labour Party and Adolf Hitler

AmericanThinker: Did you know that the Jewish victims of the Holocaust were partners of Adolf Hitler, who was a Zionist?

labour uk

Members of the British Labour Party have told us that this was the case. This is the most recent manifestation of the anti-Semitism that has reared its ugly head in Britain. It evokes the thought that this disease may have entered the ideological bloodstream of the British left.

There is a vital need for a strengthening of the political immune system before the infection worsens. It is a particular cause for concern, though the fact is avoided, that the virus has recently appeared in Labour Party officials, most of whom are Muslims who are highly critical of the State of Israel.  read more

4 Comments on The Love Affair Between the British Labour Party and Adolf Hitler

  1. And yet the British people discarded Churchill and installed the socialists as soon as the war ended. Choosing to spend their Marshal plan money on public housing that soon became uninhabitable as opposed to the Germans who used theirs to re-build their industrial base the Brits guaranteed their continued decline.

    It’s really pretty amazing considering the above and the fact that most foreign owned US companies (at least last time I checked a few years ago) are owned by Brits then imagining how many Brits own stock in US companies. . . it’s been American free enterprise that’s funded British socialism.

    Yet now they think the mule that’s pulled their cart so long should climb up and ride on it!

  2. As a Jew who lost many past generation family members in the Holocaust, I pray all believers of this bullshit contract a terminal disease and die a prolonged, tortuous death. Every, stinking one of them.

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