The ‘low threshold’ FBI investigation – IOTW Report

The ‘low threshold’ FBI investigation

From Kimberley Strassel’s Twitter thread:

1) Key findings of Horowitz report:
–Yup, IG said FBI hit threshold for opening an investigation. But also goes out of its way to note what a “low threshold” this is. Durham’s statement made clear he will provide more info for Americans to make a judgment on reasonableness.

2) The report is triumph for former House Intel Chair Devin Nunes, who first blew the whistle on FISA abuse. The report confirms all the elements of the February 2018 Nunes memo, which said dossier was as an “essential” part of applications, and FBI withheld info from FISA court 

3)Conversely, report is an excoriation of Adam Schiff and his “memo” of Feb 2018. That doc stated that “FBI and DOJ officials did NOT abuse the [FISA] process” or “omit material information.” Also claimed FBI didn’t much rely on dossier. 

4)In fact, IG report says dossier played “central and essential role” in getting FISA warrants. Schiff had access to same documents as Nunes, yet chose to misinform the public. This is the guy who just ran impeachment proceedings.

 5) Report is a devastating indictment of Steele, Fusion GPS and the “dossier.” Report finds that about the only thing FBI ever corroborated in that doc were publicly available times, places, title names. Ouch.

 6)IG finds 17 separate problems with FISA court submissions, including FBI’s overstatement of Steele’s credentials. Also the failure to provide court with exculpatory evidence and issues with Steele’s sources and additional info it got about Steele’s credibility. 

7) Every one of these “issues” is a story all on its own. Example: The FBI had tapes of Page and Papadopoulos making statements that were inconsistent with FBI’s own collusion theories. They did not provide these to the FISA court.  KEEP READING

13 Comments on The ‘low threshold’ FBI investigation

  1. It is essential to know who the FISA judge was.

    If it was an Obama appointee.

    My guess is Contreras because he is friends with Strzok. If the FISA judge was Contreras, who has also been issuing national injunctions on Trump EOs, thos scandal should mean the end of FISA courts.

  2. You Freeper Trumpanzees just continue to crack me up. The IG report clearly states that they met threshold which is actually a complete vindication for Comey, McCabe, Page, and Strozk not to mention Brennan. So this also very clearly means that the Mueller Report and its valuable data can be rolled over into the impeachment process as we all know that the true Russian collusion is buried within Trump’s Ukrainian pay for play scandal. Mueller’s Report has multiple unchallenged details that will help bolster and PROVE the already voluminous amounts of data against Trump that the House Judiciary Committee already has in their possession. The Trump impeachment is already a done deed so you Freeping Cheeto worshipers need to come to grips with it. The senators know that they need to do the right thing and eliminate this criminal if they want to have any hope of being re-elected. The best part is that many of Pence’s crimes are coming to focus as well and hopefully will be dealt with in the same manner.

  3. YES YES YES Anonymous——–Freeping Cheeto worshipers yes Freeper Trumpanzees ha ha Orange Man BAD Mueller Time Mueller Time Mueller Time yes Freeper Trumpanzees Orange Man Orange Man Orange Man ! Freeping Cheeto worshipers yes Freeper Trumpanzees ha ha Orange Man BAD Mueller Time Mueller Time Mueller Time yes Freeper Trumpanzees Orange Man Orange Man Orange Man !Freeping Cheeto worshipers yes Freeper Trumpanzees ha ha Orange Man BAD Mueller Time Mueller Time Mueller Time yes Freeper Trumpanzees Orange Man Orange Man Orange Man ! Freeping Cheeto worshipers yes Freeper Trumpanzees ha ha Orange Man BAD Mueller Time Mueller Time Mueller Time yes Freeper Trumpanzees Orange Man Orange Man Orange Man !

  4. Remember how Comey declined to press charges against Hillary because there was no criminal intent?
    And there was no intent here, so no recommendations for charges.
    Seems Democrats never INTEND to commit some of the biggest crimes in American political history, they just commit them accidentally. And they don’t suffer any consequences.
    And the Democrat Media Mafia stays quiet.

  5. @Cliche Guevara December 10, 2019 at 1:29 pm

    > It is essential to know who the FISA judge was.

    No, it’s not. There is one party. The Party. You’re either a (Party declared) member, or the (Party declared) enemies of the members.

    > If it was an Obama appointee.

    That would be a Party member. As would a Bush (any Bush) anointed member. As would a Reagan, Clinton, or — yes, yes! loyal citizen — a Trump anointed member.

    Do you really — really? — believe the (Party declared) enemies of The Party, are really — really? — as stupid as The Party tells the loyal members? (Oh sure, they are as lazy, as the members are told. But as stupid? Really?)

  6. This Communist controlled corruption of Constitutional law is a foul, stinking coup in progress.

    “Because it [the FISA report] clearly stated everything done that was illegal, and then pawned everything off on “mistakes” or “coincidence” or “procedural errors” or “not following rules” and then exonerated everyone, with no one to be punished.
    That’s death folks. Put a fork in it, they stated their corruption blatantly to our faces and said SO WHAT. And nothing will happen. THE. END.”

    “Comey spelled Corney is NOT an OCR problem.
    I pulled the document clearly saying “comey” into open office, changed the font and it then showed ‘Corney”. That’s not OCR folks, but if the lie is enough of a diversion, OCR it will be. Damn the trolls.
    It is a specifically different font, done out of spite for whatever reason. And they got caught. Now they are lying. You can clearly see it is a different font specifically made for this, and not OCR. And watch anything at all happen. It will be as I said, the deep state will take zero hits, and they are now going to try to flush Trump. I expected this but did not expect them to be so brazen about it. The fact they were this brazen only proves we are totally screwed and cannot use the system to fix the system.”

    “Explanation: Comey’s name is not in the Fisa release, instead a font was made to make an R and an N appear to be an M so in a search only typing “Corney” will make Comey appear to show up. If you copy/paste “Comey” out of the document, it pastes as “Corney”. Additionally, elsewhere in the document there is similar play with other words that are very important. This is huge, because it invalidates the document from a legal perspective. ”

    “Pattern recognition- OCR programs are fed examples of text in various fonts and formats which are then used to compare, and recognize, characters in the scanned document.””

    “If we got this kind of childish play from official government agencies with something this important, we are screwed. The corruption and contempt is so deep it is irreparable.”

    “When a character is identified, it is converted into an ASCII code that can be used by computer systems to handle further manipulations. Users should correct basic errors, proofread and make sure complex layouts were handled properly before saving the document for future use.”

    “Comey spelled Corney is NOT an OCR problem.
    I pulled the document clearly saying “comey” into open office, changed the font and it then showed ‘Corney”. That’s not OCR folks, but if the lie is enough of a diversion, OCR it will be. Damn the trolls.
    It is a specifically different font, done out of spite for whatever reason. And they got caught. Now they are lying. You can clearly see it is a different font specifically made for this, and not OCR. And watch anything at all happen. It will be as I said, the deep state will take zero hits, and they are now going to try to flush Trump. I expected this but did not expect them to be so brazen about it. The fact they were this brazen only proves we are totally screwed and cannot use the system to fix the system.”

    “Explanation: Comey’s name is not in the Fisa release, instead a font was made to make an R and an N appear to be an M so in a search only typing “Corney” will make Comey appear to show up. If you copy/paste “Comey” out of the document, it pastes as “Corney”. Additionally, elsewhere in the document there is similar play with other words that are very important. This is huge, because it invalidates the document from a legal perspective.
    “Pattern recognition- OCR programs are fed examples of text in various fonts and formats which are then used to compare, and recognize, characters in the scanned document.””

    “If we got this kind of childish play from official government agencies with something this important, we are screwed. The corruption and contempt is so deep it is irreparable.”

    “When a character is identified, it is converted into an ASCII code that can be used by computer systems to handle further manipulations. Users should correct basic errors, proofread and make sure complex layouts were handled properly before saving the document for future use.”

  7. @Cliche Guevara December 10, 2019 at 7:33 pm

    > I do want to know and we all need to know.

    If you don’t believe that 2 plus 3 equals, always equals, 5… you will never “know”. If 2… plus 3… always… must always… equal 5… then you already “know”.

    > if the courts are colluding in FBI corruption then they can all hang together

    There is one “league”. They are all on the same “side”. They all split the take. Amongst themselves. As they see fit. Regardless of “team”. Regardless of what team’s jersey they’re wearing. This current day. It’s not just “faces” and “heels”. The same — the very, exact, same — people. Play “faces” and “heels”. Whatever the show calls for. This current day.

    If you want to call that “collusion”, fine. If you want to call that “corruption”, fine. If you want to call that “procedural errors”, if you want to call that “a matter”, fine and fine. They can “all hang together”… when somebody else ties the rope. If this need be explained, again… just sit on the couch. And wait for it.

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