The Man With The ‘stache: James Quarles – IOTW Report

The Man With The ‘stache: James Quarles

A number of outlets yesterday were mystified by the gentleman with the magnificent mustache who was seated behind Robert Mueller yesterday during his testimony to congress.  

James Quarles, seated on the right. [image via Babylon Bee]

He has been identified as D.C. attorney James Quarles, who was one of the first lawyers brought in by Mueller as an Assistant Special Counsel in the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. More

21 Comments on The Man With The ‘stache: James Quarles

  1. If an overzealous prosecutor ever unjustly destroyed me just to get someone else or to further their agenda, it would test my Christian faith to the breaking point and I’d seriously consider taking out the vile SOB in a most unpleasant manner. People like that are evil and should be dealt with to send a massage to others. If we don’t start making these people accountable for this kind of thing, we are failing our children and grandchildren and the evil will never stop.

  2. Must have been tough for the ‘Stache’ to sit there for interminable hours and hear how inept, incompetent and glaringly partisan his and his fellow cruds corrupt efforts were!

  3. Tim B. I have had my mustache since 1975.
    It looks like Sam Elliot’s if I let it grow out.
    AA seems to like it, It tickles her.
    And I wash my face after I eat.

  4. “…magnificent…”
    “…absolute POWER mustache…”

    Fooey! That’s your basic readily grown and easily trimmed mustache. Nothing remarkable about it. If you want to see some really magnificent and incredible whiskers, click HERE.

  5. The last time I shaved my mustache was in the Spring of 1976 and I grew it back as soon as I shaved it. My wife and my kids have never seen my upper lip without a mustache. And I’m not shaving it ever again because I wouldn’t know who I am without my mustache. I always wanted to grow a great a great big bushy mustache like Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain of the 20th Maine who led his troops to victory on Little Round Top during the Battle of Gettysburg in early July of 1863. Now that’s a mustache. And I’d probably buy a really nice cowboy hat like my dad’s Stetson just to go with the mustache.

  6. @geoff the aarpvark*: I grew a ‘stache when I was in the Nam, just because I could, but it was never that big due to military regs. Shaved it off after I got home because nobody recognized me. Plus it was kinda itchy in the summer.

    (* – see what I did there?)


  7. I’m really an AMAC type of guy, AARP has bugged me since I was 50 and I don’t like their politics. I got them to quit sending me their propaganda by shredding all the info and returning it to them in their stamped return envelopes and they finally gave up on me after I did it a few times.

  8. @geoff the amacvark (at 12:23 am): Good for you. I’m not crazy about their politics either, but I joined at 50 before I cared much about political things, mostly to get the hotel, restaurant, etc. discounts*. One of these days I’ll probably get pissed off at them and quit. Or die.


    * – Their magazine and newspaper have some good senior tips now and then, too. Just don’t buy their crappy health insurance (United Health Care).

  9. @Geoff the Aardvark: I got rid of AARP mailings right before I turned 50 by calling them and telling them to NEVER solicit me EVER AGAIN. It’s been 10 years and they haven’t.


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