The Message In Lincoln’s Watch That He Never Knew He Carried – IOTW Report

The Message In Lincoln’s Watch That He Never Knew He Carried


In November 1860 Lincoln was elected the 16th president of the United States. In January 1861, South Carolina seceded from the Union, followed by six more states before Lincoln’s inauguration. On April 12, 1861, the American Civil War began with shots fired at Fort Sumter.

At that time Lincoln’s watch was at M.W. Galt and Co. in Washington, D.C., for repair. In the heat of the moment, watchmaker Jonathan Dillon unscrewed the dial from Lincoln’s watch and engraved a message with a sharp tool. In 1906 at the age of 84, he recalled the message to the New York Times:

The first gun is fired. Slavery is dead. Thank God we have a President who at least will try.

Was he right?




He wrote:

Jonathan Dillon
April 13-1861
Fort Sumpter was attacked
by the rebels on the above
date J Dillon
April 13-1861
thank God we have a government
Jonthan Dillon

11 Comments on The Message In Lincoln’s Watch That He Never Knew He Carried

  1. LIncoln started the war to get the taxes he said the south owed. He specifically said that it wasn’t to free the slaves.
    That’s the true history. All the rest is complete bullsht.
    And it’s verifiable.
    So why do we have to keep listening to the fantasy account of the civil war?

  2. To find out what kind of real monster Lincoln was – IN HIS OWN WORDS, please read Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo’s books The Real Lincoln and Lincoln Unmasked. Public indoctrination centers (public schools) teach nothing but lies in elevating Lincoln to the status of god for good citizens to worship.

  3. Jacob;
    Lincoln did not start the war of northern aggression, but he could have stopped it had he wanted.
    Instead he denied the South representation in Congress and ruled their petition of grievances illegal.
    The he proceeded to lose miserably until he decided to attack the citizens that were not resisting. Taking all their food and livestock, burning their buildings and pressing their sons at gunpoint to kill their own neighbors.
    It is a shame that the South withered under that, but they did.

  4. It was definitely about tax money and control…..

    After the North was invaded it morphed into freeing the slaves…… more specifically freeing the slaves so they could serve in the Union Army and to draw troops away from the front to back down South…..

    After the war, Lincoln and company tried to repatriate the blacks back to Africa….Liberia in fact.

  5. I shudder every time I hear the Republican Party described as The Party Of Lincoln. It’s a fact other than the USA, every other country that had legal slavery eventually saw slavery wither away and die a peaceful death. Lincoln’s illegal actions caused the War Of Northern Aggression.

    I just ordered the book The Nine Worst Presidents. Lincoln is one of them, along with Ted Roosevelt (R) and Nixon (R), one is a Founding Father whose picture I didnt recognize, Frank Roosevelt (Socialist Progressive), Woody Wilson (Socialist Progressive), Hussein Obama (Kenyan Socialist Moslem Progressive Communist), Truman (Democrat), and the war criminal Lyndon Johnson (corrupt fascist Socialist Progressive)

    Nixon gave us the goddam evil corrupt out of control Environmental Protection Agency and Ted Roosevelt gave us the goddam civil service that allows incompetent lazy gummint employees to be termination-proof no matter how heinous their actions are.

    I’ll wear out ten keyboards before I can finish listing all the shit the Democrats have done against our country.

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