The moments the MSM don’t like to publicize – IOTW Report

The moments the MSM don’t like to publicize

Hospital staff in Pittsburgh get a glimpse of the President and First lady and Ivanka and Jared Kushner walking by.

The president hears their well wishes and finds time to stop and honor and thank these hardworking Americans.

The media would never publish this, mainly because the staff tells the president and his family how much they are loved.

21 Comments on The moments the MSM don’t like to publicize

  1. It isn’t just that they won’t publicize it. It’s that they are deliberately creating a false narrative that everybody hates Trump. Why they think that’s going to work for them, I have no idea. It sure backfired on them in 2016.

  2. I really THINK we outnumber the libtards around here. It’s just the libtards are unionized, and own the fake news outlets.

    That, and living in mommy’s basement, gives them LOADS of free time to show up at protests… while the REAL Americans are out paying OUR taxes… AND theirs… >:-(

  3. Your President is right. The MSM is the enemy. Whether it’s the Washington Post, NYT, LATimes, MSNBC, CNN or even Hollywood (check out New Amsterdam, the hospital series. It’s dripping with liberal talking points, the whites bad and blacks good narrative, big hospital is evil etc and it’s getting worse). It so pervasive that we can’t get away from it almost whatever we tune in to, read or attend. Where are the big GOP true conservatives with the money to even this playing field up a bit. Oh right, there aren’t any.

  4. Thank you for posting that, Fur.

    I was absolutely embarrassed by my city (but not surprised) when the putz of a mayor and other elected officials refused to meet with the President of the United States, while at the same time claiming that it was time for peace, love, and unity.

    At least that video proves that he didn’t leave here thinking we were all a bunch of assholes.

  5. The guy is a class act, the American people recognize that and the media resent it.

    Envy and resentment is what recruitment to the progressive movement is incumbent on and the left knows it. W/o the instrumentalities of the left inculcating a sense of envy and resentment among self marginalized malcontents the Democrat Party would be polling at 15% and would no longer exist as a major political Party in the United States.

  6. That was beautiful. I’m convinced that there are millions of Americans who really love The Donald and detest the media. They are increasing more and more every day. I’m looking forward to a red wave next Tuesday. MAGA!

  7. Even though Jared did hand gesture at first, he has A LOT to learn from his father in law by watching how the POTUS treats people.

    JK may run in 2024…IF things go swell up to then…as the third term to DJT. Not sure if Pence is the shoe in…


  8. I can’t recall obama ever doing something like that, unless he could get in a political quip. Man I love our very real and humane President Trump and Melania, a real First LADY!

  9. I just LOVE Trump. He’s such a friendly, approachable, regular guy. He also has a great sense of humor. 🙂
    First Lady is super nice and genuine too. She’s got great taste in clothes and they look amazing on her.

  10. This is pure, simple, joy and love. The evil racism — and all the other -isms — of the left will not win. America *is* good.

    We will win. There is too much goodness and honest purity. Evil be damned.
    …..Lady in Red

  11. That actually bought tears to my eyes. I adore President Trump and the gracious First Lady, Melania. I’ve been on the political frontlines – black and Republican for 30 yrs. – insulted and ostracize, I can only imagine the severity of attacks the president endures. God is truly with Mr. Trump. The socialist Deep State media can lie all they want. History will be proof this president is one of our greatest American patriotic leaders.


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