The Most and Least Stressful Jobs – IOTW Report

The Most and Least Stressful Jobs

According to this report, the most stressful job is being enlisted in the military.

They also put newspaper reporter right up there. ((((??????))))

One of the lest stressful jobs is a tenured college professor. NO KIDDIN’???

One that I think that is a little strange on the least stressful list is Sonogram Technician.

I guess after awhile you really don’t care what you find inside other people, which sort of sucks, no?

See the list HERE.

ht/ fdr in hell


14 Comments on The Most and Least Stressful Jobs

  1. My less stressful and happy job was at 16 & 17 scooping ice cream for happy customers at Thomas Sweet in Princeton, NJ. I once scooped for Brooke Shields when she was in college.

    Worst was working for some crazy bat-shit woman at AM Best.

  2. Project engineer on jobs gone south can be pretty stressful.
    There is a certain phase where they kill the project engineer and take over the plan with operations types.

    That killing, albeit metaphorical killing, is stressful.

  3. How about attending a 3:15 am death event in remote backwoods TN where the 6 foot 7 inbred son says to you “you shore is pretteh… I think you need to stay awhile…”

    No sir, my 9mm S&W MP Shield says I’m going home…. right now….

  4. I wunce hadda job testing bowling balls … they’d drop em on my head from a hight … I dunno … mybe 3 feets or so ……. no stress, man! They’d give me ice cream after I dun my quota for the hour ……. it was pretty kool.

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