The most depressing article I have ever read – “Warning to my fellow sisters: Feminism is a lie” – IOTW Report

The most depressing article I have ever read – “Warning to my fellow sisters: Feminism is a lie”

Feminism/Leftism destroys happiness. The victims often lie out of embarrassment, ego and loyalty to a failed ideology.

A woman describes her life of loneliness to Dennis Prager, a victim of her mother’s radical feminist indoctrination.

She wants her story to be a warning to others.


ht/ /EqualMeansEqual


36 Comments on The most depressing article I have ever read – “Warning to my fellow sisters: Feminism is a lie”

  1. ““Dennis, I want to get right to it. I’m 50 years old with four college degrees.”

    Well, there’s your problem right there. I bet one of those degrees is in the mental health care field too.

  2. I am female.

    My mom did not want me.

    I was dumped in a human waste bin.

    I am ok.

    I have been returned to Jesus, who loves me and comforts me.

    I have many friends here and we play and laugh together. We are happy here.

  3. I don’t know. I’ve know single people who merge their homes when they get married. This woman must have been pretty heavily indoctrinated — vis, “Never rely on a man for any kind of support, financial, emotional, blah, blah, blah!” That’s rough. Can’t imagine not being married (for all the reasons she gives and more).

    Funny, I was just digging through PragerU videos this morning because I was searching out wisdom on goal setting. Adam Carrola made him a really good one about “Changing your life.”

  4. We men cannot be absolved of blame in this thing. Too many times we have been ass-holes. We have been nasty to women when we didn’t have to be. I don’t like to use the word “bully”, but there is no other word that fits. I’ve made girlfriends and female relatives cry for no other reason than I felt like being mean. May God forgive me.

  5. My Grandmother’s wedding advice to me… “If you think you’re doing 80%, it’s probably 50/50.” That was 25+ years ago… I was a newly graduated BSci with a STEM degree. She’s since achieved a BS in Business and an MSci… We’re a team. We complement each other.

    That said… I put her on a pedestal and worship her. She gets the new computer, she gets the new car… I make due. That’s how it works gentlemen. Even if she doesn’t tell you too, even if she doesn’t want it, put her on that pedestal…


  6. “We men cannot be absolved of blame in this thing. Too many times we have been ass-holes. We have been nasty to women when we didn’t have to be.”

    I’m pretty sure there are quite a few men that don’t deserve to be lumped in with “we men”. Just sayin.

  7. Oh, forgot to mention the PragerU video “Why Feminism is Bad For Women” Quite an eye opener.

    It’s not a man’s world. Never was. It’s not a woman’s world, either. We need each other in order for this big blue marble to keep turning. But here’s the deal: I may find all those dirty jobs fascinating and I may even want to dabble to see if I can do them, but I’m not built to do most of the heavy lifting all the time nor would I want to. But I make awesome sandwiches!

  8. And some women bully on a regular basis too. MANY women have destroyed their family’s by filing for divorce. I a can’t imagine the day when those facts will be acknowledged with ‘We women’ as the opener

  9. I’ve always treated men and women the same. The problem is women tend to cry easily where men will either speak up and hold their own or slink away like sissies. I call genetics.

  10. I’m thankful that I was my own person and didn’t do the burning of the bra crap, nor did I listen to feminists. I knew they were not right bright and way too hippy for me. I like men, dated men, and I got married when I was 18. Guess what? My 50th wedding anniversary is in a few days. My mother told me if I married the guy I was with that I would regret it for the rest of my life. I told her to “F” off, the guy she married wasn’t anything to write home about. So, here I am, 2 beautiful adult children and a wonderful husband. Life is good.

  11. If you’re a conservative woman (or man) who actually finds ANY virtue in feminism you are incredibly decieved.
    Feminism is rooted in the first encounter Satan had with humanity – his successful corruption of Eve, using her God given free will against her. She was decieved into doubting and defying the authority of her Father, God Himself. This is the foundational doctrine of feminism.
    The strategy is the destruction of males in general and to replace them in authoritarian roles. God-centered Western societies are especially targeted.
    Woman was created from man as a partner not independent of him, but a vital part of man. Christ himself demonstrated on Earth that he respected and considered women beneficial, cherished and important to the existence of a successful society.
    Women’s liberation has already been implemented by God.
    Christian conservatives please do not make the mistake of thinking the liberation of women came from feminism. Medical and technical advancements beginning with the industrial age moved women right along as men realized their value in society – history proves it.
    Feminism is a curse straight out of Hell and has destroyed millions of lives. There is NOTHING admirable about feminism.

  12. Well, I was going to comment, but I think I won’t now.

    It’s not just liberal feminists that find themselves unmarried at 50.

    This most definitely is a sad story. Regret is a horrible companion.

  13. “Timbuktu and Kali Refugee battle for King Simp crown”…

    I’m not even sure I know what that is… Not seeking any crown here. My goal is a strong stable family unit, so that my kids grow up in a home knowing they’re loved, following His guidance, accepting His gift of salvation, and fearing His wrath… My reward is on the other side.

  14. If you want to see some really well adjusted, confident, fun, goal oriented women, young and old, visit a gym. My gyms full of them. They’re pretty damn hot too for the most part.

  15. The most depressing article I have ever read – “Warning to my fellow sisters: Feminism is a lie”

    Two people. Too stupid to think. Helping each other pontificate.

    Only depressing if you thought it unusual.


    Probably sexual abuse in early childhood, but often it’s daddy attention deficit disorder issues.

    Either they become porn stars /strippers, or purple-haired she-goblins.

  17. Goosebumps…. this could have been me. Dad cheated on mom, divorce was brutal, mom drilled it into me to never trust a man. Bitter hateful shrew of the nucking futs variety. Somehow by the grace of God I sorted myself out to truly appreciate my hubby despite mum’s worst efforts to come between us. For years she told me to take our girls and as much money as I could hoard away, and leave before he did “because that’s what men do”. She wanted me to score one for the Sisterhood and destroy my family for literally no other reason. Hubby is truly a rock solid kinda guy.

    Goldenfoxx, I’m only halfway to the 50 year mark with my mister but we’re working on it!

  18. “Dennis, I want to get right to it. I’m 50 years old with four college degrees.”

    Back in the 70’s, I had so many friends whose parents divorced during our friendships. I also had several client families for whom I baby sat, and then continued babysitting for the single mom and kids after the divorce. And for most of them, it all started (or ended) with, “Mom says she wants to go back to school.”

  19. Most uplifting article to say ‘Happy New Year’!
    Not making jest at a serious issue. Shame it continues decade after decade. As long as you wallow in it.
    Best New Year wishes to all that are tired to wallow, and to those as well that don’t.

  20. @Third Twin Every time one of my buddies at work announced that his wife was going back to school, I flat out told him he was destined for divorce and that he’d better prepare for it. They never prepared and I was never wrong.

  21. The equal rights movement for woman, began a little over 130 years ago, and at the time, especially in Europe moreso than America, it was needed.

    I’m a little fuzzy when the whole ‘feminist’ part was born out of it but I believe that early 1920s was responsible for it, with the woman’s suffrage quickly deteriorating into flapper girls and lesbianism.

    So I guess what I’m really saying is that this needed to be over by 1910s and instead it’s gone on far beyond it’s usefulness and necessity.

  22. If you won’t see them with your own lying eyes, then the actual facts are pointless to dispute. But! Good news! If the “argument” you believe is self negating, then nothing need be done. If you believe the lies, because they are your articles of faith, then good on you. Everything has been explained.

    For the people that arrived late (bad traffic… short bus… that somebody else was riding): If “it” (feminism, communism, credentialism… fill in today’s “blank”) is a lie (of Satan, a cancer, a conspiracy… fill in today’s “blank”), then explaining why the result is suboptimal, while the goal is optimal, is impossible. (For those of you stuck in the back… I know, “traffic”) Always. Impossible.


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