The Most Educated Generation Has Been Taught To Be A Collection of Idiots – IOTW Report

The Most Educated Generation Has Been Taught To Be A Collection of Idiots

It’s no secret that I’m not at all impressed with the modern day college student. Frankly, I think the bulk of them have little ability to reason, having had that capacity removed and replaced by leftist groupthink.

Nothing illustrates this depressing reality more than the videos below.

They’ve been produced by The Family Policy Institute of Washington.

In one video the filmmaker asks students what they would say if he announced he was a woman.

The kneejerk, indoctrinated, leftist answer is to agree that whatever someone “identifies” with is what they are – lest we distress the LGBT community.

The filmmaker then asked what they would think if he said he was Chinese. There was a brief pause, but ultimately they agreed to allow him to be Chinese.

Then he wanted to say he was a 7 year-old. There was no real resistance to this idea, either. When he asked about allowing him to enroll in1st grade there was some contemplation, but the sentiment was that “if he wasn’t harming anyone it would be fine. (As if a grown man in 1st grade wouldn’t be harming anyone.)

The one question that seemed to hang these morons up was when he said he identified as 6′ 5”. This, inexplicably, they had a problem with, prompting the interviewer to say, “I can be a Chinese woman, as long as I don’t claim to be 6′ 5″?”

Yes, was the answer.

In another video the filmmaker included some adults in the interview. When asked if a Christian florist would have the right to discriminate against participating in a gay wedding the answer was, “of course not!”

Then they were asked if a Muslim printer could discriminate against a customer who wanted to print a cartoon of Muhammad.


You should watch these videos. The interviewer manages to create some cognitive dissonance, which will lead to absolutely no change in these dolts way of thinking.


Video 1

Video 2

16 Comments on The Most Educated Generation Has Been Taught To Be A Collection of Idiots

  1. This evening I was informed that college students today have to opt OUT of coed dorms, coed dorms were described to me as meaning male and female students thrown together as roommates, using the same bathrooms, showers. Is that true?

    Is it true that single sex dormitories must be requested? That separate sex dorm living is the exception?

    If the above is true for on campus dormitory living, smelling salts! Somebody please find my smelling salts!

    Is this true? Anybody?

  2. I am not sure who calls them the “most educated ” generation, maybe the most schooled. Once upon a time High School graduates knew algebra and calculus, had a passing knowledge of Latin, understood english literature, could write a 20-page term paper (with correct grammar) and were well-versed in history (world and american). Today? Not so much.

  3. That last question in video 2 is the kicker.

    @Zonga – I went to Cal Berkeley in the mid-80s. There was a single-sex dorm option, although I don’t think many used it. I was in a coed dorm, which had a coed bathroom/shower. It even had urinals (!) although that was a relic from the facility’s prior use, for which I assume the bathroom was male-only. The dorm rooms were all single-sex, but alternated so we were well mixed. I think that was typical of most large universities but don’t know for sure. I had a great time, and there were no major issues. Of course none of us were aware of the microaggressions we were apparently bullying others with.

  4. Not a new trend. When I came back from Nam in ’70, I was having a mini reunion with HS classmates who went to “real” college (not war college) and after a while I had to ask, “WTH happened to you people? Did they open up your skulls first day of university and remove any common sense you once had?” No answer/just glares. Question was too hard for them.

  5. Left Coast Dan,

    I’m shocked, really. It is absolutely incomprehensible that young women would give up their privacy, their self respect, by willingly allowing themselves to be naked with any old guy who happens to walk into such a private place.

    Apparently college students have been desensitized to exposing themselves to strangers of the opposite sex. No wonder they are so stupid.

  6. Zonga, it is no wonder these same kids want abortions on demand, paid for by the public. Amazing. Also, it goes a long way into explaining the current rape ‘crisis’ on campuses.

    Liberal cultists seem to be able to follow the bread crumbs laid out for them, but finding the pathway on their own causes panic and the need for ‘safe spaces’.

    I half expected to see the students’ heads explode, like in one of the commercials on TV depicted. Little poofs of colored air escaping at every question.

  7. I’ve currently given up trying to be rational with any of them although I’m sure I will waste my time again in the future with it.

    Ultimately this generation can’t think their way out of a paper bag. The fact that they cannot anticipate the question that ultimately stumps them (such as the printer and the Mohammad image) proves exactly what Tony R said. They’ve been “Schooled” but not “Educated”. The kids only parrot what they hear and cannot think logically through scenarios.

    This is why every discussion ends with charges of “Racism”.

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