Frederick William Dame-

The Koran is the holy and noble book of Islam that is regarded by Muslims as the word of Allah given orally, precisely, and 100 percent unadulterated to the Prophet Muhammad via the Angel Gabriel.

Muslims consider the Koran to be recorded in the language of Allah, which is pure Arabic, and that the Koran is written on a slate in heaven.

The problem with this belief is that the unified language in which the Koran was written was Aramaic, not Arabic. The Koranic-Arabian language did not exist when Muhammad supposedly lived. Nevertheless, Muslims recognize the Koran to be perfect for all eternity. They are convinced that the Koran is holy and noble because the book has a peculiar sacredness that comes from Allah, a pre-Arabian moon-god.

There is nothing divine, holy, or noble about the Koran! The Koran is more frightening than it will ever be holy and noble!

An example that is frightening is the word count concerning Paradise and Hell. In the Suras (chapters) listed in footnote number two, there are three references to Hell. If we calculate the number of times the nomenclature Hell appears in the Koran, we have a total of 77 logical numbering occurrences. The concept of Paradise has a total of 52 logical counting outcomes.

This total shows that Hell has more emphasis in the Koran than Paradise has.

Also frightening is the fact there are 91 verses that declare Muhammad to be a divine human and a perfect man who should be emulated. Moreover, Muslim males consider it their duty to be like Muhammad.

Those who imitate Muhammad should be aware that Muhammad had at least 37 phobias and manias (Obsessive Compulsive Disorders).

The listing of Muhammad’s phobias and manias with commentary is presented herewith:

Alliumphobia ̶Fear of garlic. Hence the hadith (narrative, story, speech, news) which says that men should not go to the mosque to pray after eating garlic (and here we were all assuming Muhammad was a vampire).

Aurophobia ̶ Fear of gold. Ha! Now we know why men are not supposed to wear gold in Islam. I wonder if there is a phobia of silk as well.

Automysophobia ̶ Fear of being dirty. Ok, that explains the obsession of bathing, wiping your ass, shaving your armpits and pubic area, and making wudu 5 times a day. And yes, bathing after sex.

Aviophobia or Aviatophobia ̶Fear of flying. Hence the nightmare in which he flew on a donkey/mule to heaven.

Bibliophobia ̶Fear of books. Probably why he never learned to read and write, even after he supposedly received divine inspiration. Come on, he had 23 years and he would not learn to read and write. Quite simply, he had a fear of books.

Catagelophobia ̶ Fear of being ridiculed. That explains why people were killed and are still being killed if they even dare to ridicule him. This is the reason for the Koranic rules against blasphemy.

Cynophobia ̶ Fear of dogs. Now, this is really cruel. He commanded to kill all the poor innocent dogs, especially the black ones, because they are actually the devil.


16 Comments on William Frederick Dame -> THE MOST EVIL AND DESTRUCTIVE BOOK EVER WRITTEN?

  1. true … but ‘Communist Manifesto’ & ‘Das Kapital’ make for a grand trilogy of evil throughout history

    … throw in the writings of Mao & you have a complete set

  2. Where does that put the believers of that horror story of a book. We have a war on our hands and we better start fighting it, because they are fighting it. They are using tactics that are unconventional to us, but they are at war against us!

  3. Satan has always concentrated on subtlety…closely counterfeited perversions of God’s truth. Therein lies the appeal of his deceptions: they’re THIS CLOSE to what God hath said while flatly contradicting Him, thereby fooling the unwary and unlearned.

    By that measure, there are FAR eviler writings than the overtly, bluntly, clumsily evil ones mentioned above. And they’re where you least expect to find them.

  4. History is riddled with accounts of the Gods Flying on Boats, Dragons,and Bidrds but a Fricking Donkey to Heavan? LOL, only the Muslims would have a Donkey flying an Illiterate Dirtbad as God.
    This is what these Inbred low IQ people Aspire to become,sad really.

  5. The Communist Manifesto Comes second.

    Mao’s Little Red Book comes in third.

    Any hillary clinton book someone else wrote for her comes in fourth.

    Either of the two books bill ayers wrote for obama come in fifth.

  6. I dont know if i should dedicate the hours to reading it. It is nothimg, a fairy tale and has obviously done nothing for the people who believe it. What has their god or mohammed ever done for them?

    My God loves me and died for me, to give me eternal life with Him.

    Their god is violence and death.

    My God is love and joy, peace and life.


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