The Most Triggering Teeshirt (s) Ever Made – IOTW Report

The Most Triggering Teeshirt (s) Ever Made


28 Comments on The Most Triggering Teeshirt (s) Ever Made

  1. Thank God for the 22nd amendment. Barack the Narcissist was the closest thing we’ve had to FDR delusionalism this country has seen in my lifetime.

    There were times that I feared he would never go away willingly. Fortunately, I was wrong.

    Hopefully there’s another conservative badass in the wings for 2024.

  2. I can’t wait to trigger the libshits with:

    FDR got THREE
    so should DJT!

    FDR got Four
    DJT needs More

    Thanks Hit’em Hard and Joe6pacK!

    I have a particular libshit in mind. GOnna tell him there is petition going around and that I signed 🙂

  3. Spock was attacked by one of those on some landing party. McCoy had the devil of a time getting it off.

    Looks like Rosie O.Donnell caught outside too long on a hot day.

  4. “McCoy had the devil of a time getting it off.

    Looks like Rosie O.Donnell caught outside too long on a hot day.”

    ..any MAN would have a devil of a time getting Rosie off, @Rufus…


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