The MSM Most Definitely Won’t Have Fries with It – IOTW Report

The MSM Most Definitely Won’t Have Fries with It


The establishment media freaked out over former President Donald Trump working at a Philadelphia McDonald’s, accusing him of smearing and trolling Vice President Kamala Harris.

In response to Trump visiting a McDonald’s where he learned how to properly cook french fries, spoke with customers in the drive-through, and handed out orders, Business Insider, the Washington Post, the New York TimesForbes, and Rolling Stone magazine, among others, criticized him with headlines accusing him of mocking Harris’s work history. More

15 Comments on The MSM Most Definitely Won’t Have Fries with It

  1. Where’s our “President”?

    What a complete joek this 4 yrs has been.

    Think of it this way: If the Democrats had one thing to brag about after owning the White House for 12 of the last 16 yrs, they wouldn’t spend their time attacking Trump (and therefore the rest of us) 24/7, and they’d be able to communicate a “plan” for the next 4.


  2. WHAT “work history” does Kommie have TO mock?

    I havent washed dishes (my first job) in 40 years, but I could take you where that was; name the business, my boss, and my co-workers; tell you the street address from memory; and show you some of the cheezy decorations they *sold* me when they closed that I wanted as mementos, among other things.

    Kommie cant tell you a single THING about where she CLAIMS to have worked, nor can one of the largest companies in the WORLD find any record of it, and no one has come forwards to say they remember working with her.

    …all that said, I think she WOULD be well-suited to work at a McD’s in a Black area, where they are rude and dirty, steal your credit card number, put half-eaten McNuggets in a Happy Meal, and throw hands with customers over cold fries.

    …on the other hand, maybe NOT.

    THAT would be too Black for HER.

    SHE would need a job saying “Thank you, come again” somewhere, as Pedo Joe would suggest.

    …because, well, YOU know…,h-300,fo-auto

  3. @ Different Tim

    “Alleged work history”

    Oh, absolutely!!!

    Like way too many of our esteemed elites, except for the alleged stint @ MacD’s, I don’t recall her ever having a job outside of government. With the exception of Willie Brown, I don’t recall her getting rave reviews for any of them either.

  4. Topical commentary and great commercial style politicking. You just know the big brain leftists can’t associate the fun and great humor of the event but burn with envy instead. Whole darn batch of mid to half wits, entitled spoiled never tried soya marinaded poofters playing at media and knowledge. Yikes!

  5. @Wild Bill — Of course it was staged! Team Trump is probably flabbergasted that Team Kakala is actually trying to make gullible people believe that was ever supposed to be some kind of secret. It was very clever, very effective political theater, a broad farce actually, and Kakala’s people and sycophants (paid and unpaid) are desperately, frantically trying to weaken its great effectiveness by whining that it was something other than what it obviously was.


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