The muddled mess(age) of the DNC – IOTW Report

The muddled mess(age) of the DNC

When the speakers at the DNC talk about how Hillary is needed to solve horrible living conditions, who are they blaming? Donald Trump?

On opening night they trotted out The First Hatey and lauded her and showered her with compliments and lamented that this era is soon to come to a close.

Then Elizabeth Warren came out and talked about how everyone is stressed out, up to their headdresses in debt and losing faith that tomorrow won’t be the day that it all collapses on them.

Anyone see a problem with this? Anyone else seeing a problem that Hillary vows to continue the Obama regime?




22 Comments on The muddled mess(age) of the DNC

  1. Well, at least one theme is consistent: law and disorder.

    I suppose that with the ouster of Debbie Washerwoman-Schultz, having Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake gavel in the convention was a logical enough choice, as she is, after all, the secretary of the Democrat National Party.

    But did any of these bozos realize that having a convention that was brought to order by a mayor who thought rioters in her city needed “room to destroy” AND featured Michael Brown’s mama as a speaker just MIGHT send the wrong message?

  2. Excellent piece BFH! Scary-but awesome.

    My iPhone is notifying me that Hillary has been nominated as the first woman for President. Yippee whatever. Praying she is just an asterisk in history books and not a whole chapter.

  3. I laughed when various shtstns asked what Trump was doing about the problems in the country.

    He certainly wasn’t creating them, and as a private citizen, what did these jackasses expect him to do?

    These people live in another reality. They need their shrinks to up their doses.

  4. Again, I am not getting it. The DNC convention speakers are talking about how horrible things are and that Hillary will fix them? Aaaahhhhmmmm, Obama has had full reign for the last 7 1/2 years; are they admitting the horrible mess he has made of things??? And super thug Hillary is supposed to save the nation, NOW?

  5. Unbelievable! Hellary is using 9/11 as a prop to highlight her disastrous representation as Senator of MY. Who’s being “dark” now?. She’s a monster.

  6. Ack!!!

    Yeah, she had a big part of the crap 0bama rained down on us all.
    Now she’s acting as if she was working in a whole different building that had nothing to do with the gubmint.

  7. ‘When the speakers at the DNC talk about how Hillary is needed to solve horrible living conditions…’

    That’s dark, really dark. I thought the world according to Demorrhoids was all Obongo sweetness, light, peace and glitter.

  8. Ol’ Puckerhontas ’bout pissed me off with that trope about student loan debt. Mmmm, how about you teach that one Hah-vahd class for $40 a year? 400K seems, oh, piling on or something.

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