The Museum of Unnatural History – IOTW Report

The Museum of Unnatural History

21 Comments on The Museum of Unnatural History

  1. Only 67? That sure is a limited number for over 7 billion people on the planet. How do you put a number on something that is fluid and ever changing? There should be an equal number of genders for people, “eternal cracker p” is now a gender so that makes at least 68. I’ve got my own pronoun too, it’s “xze.cp.v0.1” Don’t debate this fact.

    Come to think of it, I might elect to change my individual gender and pronoun, therefore there needs to be more genders than people.

  2. Next liberal you talk to demand that they refer to you as (insert absurd made-up gender here). Act as if you’re deadly serious and that there will be dire consequences if they don’t submit to your demands. If everyone does this there will soon be too many gender rules for people (even liberals) to adhere to and the whole cultural marxist movement will come flying apart.

  3. People used to set themselves apart from the crowd through exceptionalism and achievement. With the former being demonized and the latter being far too difficult for those not accustomed to effort, members of the snowflake generation have chosen to set themselves apart by claiming to have one (or many) of these 67 newly created gender identities – an achievement easy to claim and near impossible for detractors to quantify.

  4. I think the next time some snowflake addresses me and says something like, “Man, you just don’t understand how it is with…” I’m going to interrupt them and say, “Wait a minute – did you just assume my species?”


  5. How much do you have to hate yourself to want to be something and someone totally different from who you were “created” to be?
    “My life as Steve totally sucks! I hate who I am and who I was born to! I’ll start a whole new life as Eve so that I can completely wipe my memory of who I used to be! Good-bye Steve and hello Eve! Some say New Years is a chance to say good-bye to the old and hello to the new and have a fresh start. Well, I say New You is my opportunity to pretend every wrong thing I’ve ever done was never done and every bad decision I’ve made was never made. I have a clean slate and you’ll never be able to prosecute Eve for the things Steve did! This morning and every morning from here on out I will deny ever occurred!”

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