The Name Change – IOTW Report

The Name Change

There was this kid who had the unlucky fortune to have been named Cecil Fart.

In school he was bullied horrendously. “Hey, look, it’s Cecil Fart, look what the wind blew in…” “Is it me, or does it stink in here?”

You get the idea. These taunts often made him cry.

Finally, when he turned 21, he was legally able to change his name. Eagerly, he went to the courthouse, and when they called his name, Cecil Fart, there were audible chuckles in the room.

Even the judge, when he approved the paperwork, couldn’t contain himself. But this was about to end.

The judge spoke – “Cecil Fart… (laughter)… we’ve accepted your petition… the court has granted you the right to change your name. What is it that you’d like to change it to?”

“Thank you, your honor. I’d like to change my name to James Fart.”

16 Comments on The Name Change

  1. …sorry, I’m surrounded by Amidous, Mamadous, Ibrahimas, Diallos, and Kalikiaquan Shabazzes all day long. To me, a simple “Fart” is a breath of fresh air…

  2. We have a local sports journalist in my area, Dick Bender. I only realized after becoming an adult and moving away for many years just how strange it was to have this name.


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