The Narcissism of Transgenderitis – IOTW Report

The Narcissism of Transgenderitis

These quotes in a Daily Mail article sums up the mental illness aspect of transgenderitis rather nicely.

Aspiring model realised she was transgender by ACCIDENT after dressing up in hot pants and blonde wig for night out

Cal, formerly known as Calvin, grew up playing basketball with her two brothers and said she was ‘petrified’ of dressing in drag but thought ‘it would be funny’.

She said: ‘I felt amazing in my hot pants, heavy make-up and blonde wig – and I loved the attention. I’d always thought I was a gay man, but dressing as a woman, I felt like myself for the first time.’

‘I found school difficult – I didn’t know who I was. Some days I would dress like Tupac, other days I’d look really preppy,’ she said.

School is not about what you wear. Normal people find school difficult at times because of the material being taught, not the material of their shirt.

Ahead of the big night, Cal bought a blonde crimped wig, leopard-print tights in Primark and borrowed some clothes from her aunt.

The dancer also called on her friend Tiara, who’d worn drag before, to apply her make-up for her, before the pair headed out into Liverpool.

‘The reaction from friends when we arrived was amazing. Everyone loved my new look and compared me to Katie Price.

Woooooooooooooo. You found who you are. You’re a person that wants attention from your shallow and enabling fellow freaks.


Ladies and Gentleman, Katie Price

‘In October, I went back to dressing as a man for a while – I grew a beard and everything. But I didn’t stay that way for long, as I look and feel better as a female. Having said that, I think there is a grey area within each gender, it isn’t just one or the other.

Did people still call “her” by “her” girly name when he had the beard. Isn’t it a bit exhausting for people to try and keep up with the whims of a mentally ill person?

‘Now I’m a full-on female again. I’m a size 12 and I wear waist trainers and do specific workouts to help me achieve a womanly figure. The waist trainer sometimes cuts into me, but I say beauty is pain. Kim Kardashian is my inspiration.’

You’re not a woman.

Cal, who is currently unemployed, plans to go into modelling and hopes to inspire other transgender people with her outlook.

Why don’t you transition into an employed person that contributes to society?

She said: ‘I have accepted myself for who I am. I am not male or female, I am trans. I would like breast implants at some point, but I won’t be having any surgery to take anything away. I am all about adding things, not taking them away!

You’re a mentally ill male. You’re not a woman, ever. The only people calling you a bonafide female are the same people who are calling Global Warming settled science.

11 Comments on The Narcissism of Transgenderitis

  1. I’d always thought I was a gay man, but dressing as a woman, I felt like myself for the first time.

    Homosexuality is a gender identity disorder. No amount of collectivist meddling with the DSM will change that.

    It is a mental illness.

  2. And I would have thought that “realizing one is transgender by accident” would necessarily involve an accident with a sharp cutting tool.

    The money quote: “Kim Kardashian is my inspiration.”

  3. It’s so sad that people tumble into this voluntary wreckage of their own and others’ lives; in the dark and quiet of deepest night
    the horror and self-loathing must be soul-crushing…

    But that considered, I must have overloaded on this stuff and broken something, ’cause I just keeping laughing myself silly today at this insanity circus(and the commentary).

    Unfortunately it’s all just gonna get crazier from here…

  4. There must be something in the water. Too many freaks in the news.

    Or, is it that EVERY freak is in the news so it just seems disproportionate?

    These people have mental problems.

  5. Don’t you miss the days when the mentally ill were shielded from humiliation instead of being paraded around?

    The Media should be ashamed to cash-in on this (if it could feel shame).

  6. @bob:

    EVERY freak is the news.

    I’ve been saying for a while now that with all the ink the trannies are grabbing, someone landing on Earth in a spaceship from Mars could be forgiven for thinking that these people are the majority, instead of a teensy insignificant sliver of the population.

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