The Nation sinks to new lows: Dismisses tragedy of teen murdered by an illegal alien as “Tokenism” – IOTW Report

The Nation sinks to new lows: Dismisses tragedy of teen murdered by an illegal alien as “Tokenism”

Immigration Reform: The Nation magazine makes no pretense at objectivity. It has long stood proudly and openly at the far left fringe of American politics. As such, no one should be surprised or disturbed that it takes an open-borders stance on immigration or by its vehement opposition to Donald Trump.

However, in its most recent rant on both of those topics, writer Julianne Hing stepped over the line of decency. She not only attacked Trump and groups like FAIR, she impugned the character of a murdered teenager and dismissed his father’s tireless efforts to spare other families similar grief as “tokenism.”

Jamiel Shaw Jr. was gunned down in front of his Los Angeles home in 2008 by an illegal alien gang member who had been sprung from the county jail a day earlier. “Shaw is the father of Jamiel Shaw Jr., a 17-year-old football star who was killed in 2008 in Los Angeles by Pedro Espinoza, a 19-year-old undocumented gang member who, as the popular story went, mistook the unaffiliated Shaw for a rival gang member and shot him to death. (The actual case may have been more complex.), Hing writes.”

The parenthetical hyperlink actually appears in The Nation article. The link takes readers to a 2008 Los Angeles Times article reporting on unproven allegations by Espinosa’s attorney that Jamiel Jr. was affiliated with a rival gang. The accusation was nothing more than a sleazy tactic of a lawyer trying to get his client off. No evidence was ever produced to substantiate the posthumous character assault against the murder victim. Espinosa, on the other hand, was found guilty of the murder and will be spending the rest of his life in prison.  MORE

11 Comments on The Nation sinks to new lows: Dismisses tragedy of teen murdered by an illegal alien as “Tokenism”

  1. When I heard Jamiel Shaw Sr. tell the story of his wife, who was serving our country overseas, calling to get the news about their son being killed by an illegal alien, it brought tears to my eyes.

    The creature who smeared the Shaws is missing a vital component of humanity if she can be unmoved by the man’s story and the tragedy of his son’s senseless murder.

  2. Man. I sure miss America.
    How could a defense attorney make a case like …hey it was a case of mistaken identity and he thought the kid was from a rival gang?

    This is America dammit. We didn’t use to have roving packs of predators roaming the streets. Those guys were rounded up and detained indefinitely.

    I miss America. That perp should have been executed and his miserable corpse should have been placed in a unmarked grave in potters field.

  3. I made the mistake of clicking on the link for the original article. This broad has a kickable face! And she deserves to get everything she has coming to her! She claims to be an expert on immigration and “color” issues. She states that only a fraction of one percent of the illegal alien population has committed crimes. I know that is false and a lie. Let little Julianne Hing have her life altered by the youths in Idaho who raped a girl.

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