The NeverTrump Alternative Candidate Shows His “Temperament” – IOTW Report

The NeverTrump Alternative Candidate Shows His “Temperament”

How smart is NeverTrump? Here’s their guy (they’ll deny he’s their guy, because now it’s the moron Evan McSkullPate, but for a long time the idiots couldn’t stop bleating “Gary Johnson, Gary Johnson”) showing you his temperament and going off on a reporter asking a few tough questions.

Great instincts, morons. Who else ya got? Oh, that’s right… Hillary!

8 Comments on The NeverTrump Alternative Candidate Shows His “Temperament”

  1. “Legalizing Marijuan”. Back in the 60s and 70s the amount of THC in weed was 3 to 5 percent. Today the average THC levels are 25 to 35 percent. It affects the same receptors as LCD and is just as addictive.

  2. We had a marijuana initiative yanked from the ballot (after I voted against it) because they found a problem with thousands of the signatures they used to put it on the ballot. Without the fraudulent ones, it didn’t meet the required signatures. Democrats are forever yoked with fraud.

    And this guy gives me the creeps. First time I listened to him. What the hell is wrong with people…

  3. Ben Shapiro was on Levin’s show today. Levin lambasted NeverTrumpers- and then spoke to Ben about his new book and the election- like Ben isn’t NeverTrumper’s pied piper.


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