The Newest Entry into Our American English Lexicon – Doomer. – IOTW Report

The Newest Entry into Our American English Lexicon – Doomer.

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: Some have yet to hear or are unaware of the newest entry into our American English lexicon – Doomer. It’s is a feeble play on the boomer meme, and it’s applied to those people who screech at anyone who wants to go back to work, and anyone who questions the media’s fear mongering when it comes to the Corona Virus.

Many are asking how people can be so obsessed with quarantine, and how they can get so psychotic about closing everything down, and there’s a reason why it’s impossible to figure out their rationale, it isn’t because of any of that, it’s wholly irrational. more here

16 Comments on The Newest Entry into Our American English Lexicon – Doomer.

  1. Whenever I read some comment online by one of these doomers it makes me think of that scene in “JAWS” where the panicking beach-goers see a fin and all stampede ashore. There is a hysterical woman just standing in the water clutching a child to her chest and squealing.
    These doomers are like that woman standing there and squealing rather than taking action. Worst yet they want to grab onto others and keep them from doing anything.

  2. Very few conservatives and libertarians talk about the most important major divide in our country. It is between those on the government dole and those that aren’t. And by “dole” I mean anyone that receives a monthly check whether by welfare, entitlements, wages, or pension from ANY government, city, county, state, or federal. These people receive their checks regardless of the shutdown of the private sector. And to top it off the private sector (slaves) pays for the people on the dole (slaveholders). Trillions in “bailout” will be absorbed via inflation (a tax that’s not quite as overt). The slaveholders can only be funded until they kill the golden goose that supports them. The last laugh could be on them unless the slaves rise up.

  3. Don’t let the little shit stains re-charge their phones or order Uber dishes etc. and watch them starve to death.

    Never mind unplugging their own shitters or lighting a campfire/BBQ.

  4. Billy F,
    Ummmmm……..and what about us (me) that is a military retiree AND receiving SocSec?
    As for my military retirement, doesn’t 20 years of active duty service allow me to collect?
    I’ve been paying into the SocSec “fund” my entire working career. Forced to. No choice. Am I not allowed to get my own back?
    Yes, there are MANY “entitlement” funds out there that need to be looked at – closely. ANd there are many that should be transferred from Gubberment to privitization. But until the Kongressional Klown Krew is forced to live under the same rules as the rest of us plebes, I can’t see any positive change happening any time soon.

  5. i saw a segment on the tee vee about a fire ‘fighter’ who was sure proud of his 20 years of service – had no problem retiring at 43 – had NO PROBLEM making the private sector pay for his next 35-40 years


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