The NFL Says that Football is Gay – IOTW Report

The NFL Says that Football is Gay

Daily Wire

The National Football League (NFL) released an ad Monday affirming homosexuality and transgender behavior, claiming football is gay, lesbian, queer, transgender, beautiful, and some other things.

“The NFL told Outsports that its intention with the ‘Football is for everyone’ video is to send a strong message of acceptance from the league to fans and players. The video is a direct response to the coming out of Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Carl Nassib, Outsports was told by league spokesperson Samantha Roth,” according to Outsports. More

35 Comments on The NFL Says that Football is Gay

  1. Virtue signalers lol

    There have been cocksuckers in the the nfl locker rooms ever since the beginning…

    But damn straight
    NFL always been GAY!

  2. Again proof that sports and politics don’t mix well.

    The olympics are dead to me, the NFL, the NBA, and Soccer is dead to me – and the MLB is run by idiots.

    What’s left? I know sports betting – oh wait what they kicked Pete Rose out for is legally sanctioned in most MLB stadiums and most pregame shows focus on the bet of the day? Yep Pete you got screwed.

  3. For what it’s worth, there is a flaming fruit loop cowboy in Omak who everyone knows is as gay as a picnic basket. Never hid it and doesn’t make a big deal of it and while I suppose there are some locals who are offended by it, from everything I have seen the guy is well liked and popular with pretty much everyone.

    The guy is a hell of a cowboy and minds his own damn business. What I object to and what I believe most people object to is the in your face, continuous and everlasting, “consciousness raising” and “one way enlightenment of the benighted” that passes for enlightened thinking these days. It gets old real fast.

  4. I thought the kneeling thing was associated with the the anthem. Seems to be a whole lot of kneeling going on.
    NFL is totally woke. Doesn’t matter. I no longer waste my time.

  5. When you have no idea who your father was and you were raised by women, you are probably going to think and act more like a woman. More fallout from LBJ’s plan to destroy the black family. LBJ hated black, just like all Democrats do.

  6. NASCAR Corporate suffered brain damage and amnesia, forgot who their fans were, did a bunch of stupid shit and drove people away in, well… droves.
    NFL: Hold my beer!

  7. It’s never pleasant watching someone commit suicide but in this case, I’m fascinated by it and want to put together a cheerleading squad. It works for the libs, too. They can destroy something they’ve hated while blaming us at the same time for our “intolerance”.

  8. New NFL penalties:

    Lack of clipping: Failure to manscape
    False Shart: Passing only gas
    Holding: Holding someone else’s junk too long
    Illegal Cock to the Back: Celebrating a touchdown too high up on a teammate’s back
    Illegal Use of the Hands: Tackling an opponent by his junk.
    Intentional Pounding: A gang-bang tackle
    Fluffing the Kicker: Trying to give him a BJ so he misses the field goal

  9. I enjoy football, and still watch college games, although I am not a fanatic.
    I enjoyed pro football, usually rooting for teams with Cal players. It helped that the Los Angeles Jared Goffs were my home team.
    Then came Kaepernick and woke-ism. I barely watch any now. Plus Goff got traded to Peoria, and who knows where Aaron Rodgers is headed.
    The gay movement has been full steam for a loooooong time now. Pretty incredible to me that the first outed gay player just happened – and that the NFL avoided talking about it for the last couple of decades.

  10. Football’s not gay; soccer is gay.

    In football, “So what if you’ve got a couple of broken ribs and a ruptured spleen! We’ll tape you up, give you some reds, and we’ll take you to the hospital IF we win. Play through the pain!”

    In soccer, “He brushed up against me! I’ll writhe around on the ground like I’m passing a kidney stone until the ref gives him a red card.” Whining is rewarded.

    But real manly men play rugby, because you need leather balls to play it!

    And hockey is the toughest sport. In any other sport, you get ejected from the game; in hockey you get sent to JAIL (penalty box).

  11. Why does LA and Florida have hockey teams? Are 10 year old boys putting on ice skates in hopes of playing professionally? Why are there no professional hockey teams in Wisconsin? What’s a Packer fan to do?

  12. I am a football junkie, been one since I was born in the Pittsburgh area . I love the game, hate to see anyone injured, try to follow the ‘new’ rules they always come up with, but I never wondered who the player was – straight or gay.
    What they do behind ‘closed doors’ isn’t important to anyone but themselves.
    Why are they trying to force me to watch bowling matches?

  13. Dan

    What he wants. But he wants too much $. Brett just wanted to prove he could still play! So he got a team!

    so its TV! Hope the other Bear does better than he did last year!


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