The Night Obama Came Up With the Idea To Mint a One Trillion Dollar Coin To Pay Off Debt – IOTW Report

The Night Obama Came Up With the Idea To Mint a One Trillion Dollar Coin To Pay Off Debt

This wasn’t a Joe Biden idea, this was an Obama idea– the smartest guy in the room.

Why hadn’t anyone else thought of this through the years?


“There was this theory that I had the authority to issue through the mint this massive $1 trillion coin and on that basis we could try to pay off US Treasurys,” said Obama. ”


ht/ js


32 Comments on The Night Obama Came Up With the Idea To Mint a One Trillion Dollar Coin To Pay Off Debt

  1. The bankers don’t want the debt paid off. They just want to print money through easy credit, deficit financing and money printing.

    We don’t need no steenking, sustainable financial system!!11!11!!

    /blow their heads off

  2. That was Zero’s AA-half talking.
    Absolutely clueless re debt, the repaying of debt, and the concept of an earned credit rating. Or a blown one.

    And he said I never built anything. ESAD U POS

  3. So … instead of a giant, worthless, $1 Trillion coin we have paper not-so-giant worthless $20 Trillion Treasury Bonds and Notes!

    Somebody wanna splain the difference? A fake coin or fake Bonds and Notes?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Tim February 1, 2017 at 2:25 pm

    One is made up by The Federal Reserve. One would be made up by The United States Government. It’s like vampires and werewolves. Totally different. Totally.

  5. Don’t they have a trillion dollar coin already? Just roll Mooch’s massive ass into the room and someone will lay down a trillion; well the fake news implies she’s worth at least that.

  6. In fairness I suspect that he was doing what we all do from time to time if we’re facing a crisis and play the “what if” game to relieve the stress. I’ve done it, taken a monumentally stupid idea and just bounced it around the group refining it like it had a chance to exist in reality. The game ends when someone goes for coffee or the leader says “Ok, enough dicking around we’ve got to get this fixed”. I think what’s more interesting is where this story came from. A new blog made up or ex Obama staffers and speechwriters. I wonder if there’s going to be some image polishing (or rebuilding actually) about to start.

  7. Has there ever been what seems to be an almost illiterate president, close to the egomaniac obama?

    When he isn’t shielded with pre-written, TelePrompTer speech, he just barely makes sense.

    Add to that to such an asinine idea as a humongous coin to ‘roll’ out and we are in King George III territory. Freaking amazing!


  8. Is this guy really this fucking stupid?
    Why stop at a 1 trillion dollar coin? Mint a ten trillion dollar coin.
    Better yet write a check for all the debt. I mean your a genius it just has to work.

  9. scr_north, I see what you did there, but you really can’t compare a normal brainstorming session to the raging, narcissistic, evil, twisted, warped mind of Barack Hussein Obama.
    He is clueless about economics and proud of it. Typical sociopath behavior.

  10. Contest Time!!!

    What would Obama put on the obverse & reverse side of his giant $1 trillion coin? … I mean besides his glowing visage on the front, & Mooch’s ass on the back

  11. This is not a new idea. Because coinage (not currency) is still under the supervision of the U.S. Treasury Ron Paul floated this idea in the 90s. And before all you Ron Paul bashers rush to judgement he was tongue-in-cheek about it although in theory it was (and still is) possible.

  12. I don’t think they bother with the overhead expense of printing money anymore. They just float their fingers over the keyboard adding dollars to the reserve account. Finger tip money. The big problem is each time they do the value of my savings decreases.

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