The NY Post endorses Donald Trump – IOTW Report

The NY Post endorses Donald Trump

NY Post-

Donald Trump is a rookie candidate — a potential superstar of vast promise, but making rookie mistakes. The nominee Republicans need for the fall campaign is often hard to make out amid his improvisations and too-harsh replies to his critics.

New Yorkers vote Tuesday. What to do?

Here’s how we see it: more

ht/ all too much

23 Comments on The NY Post endorses Donald Trump

  1. I’m voting for Trump on Tuesday, and taking my neighbor with me, who has NEVER voted before, but registered Republican just so she could vote for Trump. One of the security guards in our building is also voting for Trump, and she’s previously been a staunch democrap, Hillary fan. Just talked to another guy coming up in the elevator, and he can’t wait to vote for Trump as well.

    TRUMP 2016!!!

  2. All the union folks where I work hesitantly asked me during a meeting who I am picking in the presidential. When I said “Trump”, a mass “All right” came out.

    Memorable line from the Post endorsement: He’s challenging the victim culture that has turned into a victimizing culture.

  3. My friend is a Union carpenter in NYC. He tells me he and his fellow carpenters are all for Trump. Problem is most of them are registered demorats and cannot vote in the primary.
    They shoudda changed last year, but whoda thunk?

  4. Its a fun crazy mixed up election.

    My Jewish non political DIL who works at a University is a closet Trump supporter, my Mexican DIL as well as my daughter and myself are too

    My husband and sons, not so much….lol…. they think he’s offensive to woman and immigrants

  5. Not exactly a ringing endorsement. They point out his faults (Japan and S Korea nuking up is a big one), say he won’t be the same guy after the nomination and will “pivot” on the issues, but hope he will learn more stuff along the way and because he is a born a bred New Yorker, he has potential to be great and smart.

    NY is a closed primary, so 80%+ of NYC residents can’t vote for him. I don’t believe he will break the 50% mark. That’s gonna sting.

  6. Meerkat, it couldn’t have anything to do with the ringing endorsement that Trump gave DeBlasio when running for mayor, would it?
    Lately they have been pretending to not like each other when cameras are rolling, but Trump had nothing but good to say about the avowed socialist until very recent times.

  7. Trump is a veteran political operator at city hall, the statehouse and in Congress who keeps tripping over his own ego. The t*rd needs to be polished to see if there a gold nugget in there somewhere, else BFF Hillary will back in the White House again. Or maybe that has been the plan all along.

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