The NY Times Admits Defeat – Trump Beat Them At Their Own Game – IOTW Report

The NY Times Admits Defeat – Trump Beat Them At Their Own Game

The NY Times has gone back into their archives and changed a headline.

“Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides” has now become ““Intercepted Russian Communication Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.”

Why was this changed?

Because Trump tweeted that he was wiretapped. What was Trump’s source? The NY Times.

Trump wins.

You see, the NY Times wanted to play this game where they could say that Trump had ties to the Russians and the two conspired to “hack the election” and defeat Hillary. This, of course, would rile the lofo left into a frenzy and disrupt the Trump administration to the point where people were calling for impeachment.

They intimated that the proof of this was out there because the Obama administration was clever and smart, and on to this from the git-go, and had the wisdom to surveil Trump right from the beginning.

“Just trust us. Obama wiretapped Trump and if you only knew what we know you’d have Trump’s head on a pike.

What’s that? Show you the evidence of Russian collusion?

We wiretapped him. That’s the evidence.”

All the left has is a fake news story about Trump conspiracies based on the media claiming Trump was wiretapped.

If he was wiretapped, and Trump was dirty, he’d be indicted.

If he wasn’t wiretapped, why did the media lie about him being wiretapped?

His “wiretap” tweet wrecked them.

Trump has won.

He always does.


Story HERE.

ht/ nm


13 Comments on The NY Times Admits Defeat – Trump Beat Them At Their Own Game

  1. …imagine a scene from the next Rally…

    President Tump: “Let’s read the Paper together, shall we?”

    It will be covered by ‘Them’ to boot.

  2. FTA: “*CORRECTION TO THE TRANSCRIPT BELOW: After today’s show we learned that the New York Times did not alter its headline. They say there were two headlines all along, one in the online version, and one in the print edition. The print edition used the word “wiretapped” and the online edition never did. However, this does not change the premise that the story (Trump and Russians hacked the election) is waning in the MSM.”

  3. Brown Eyed Girl, My guess is that “Wiretapped” is shorter and sexier for the front page of the print version. It’s easy to read from a distance, and it has that retro Nixon vibe. “Communications intercept” is a mouthful only a 27 year old journo working the online edition could love.

  4. I note the lack of a resignation by AG Sessions as well as a lack of high dudgeon about that. Would that be considered icing on the cake, or a secondary explosion?

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