The Oracle of Omaha States the Obvious – IOTW Report

The Oracle of Omaha States the Obvious


On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” Berkshire Hathaway Chairman and CEO Warren Buffett responded to a question on the causes of inflation by stating that “It’s fun sending money out to people if you want to stay in office” and when you just give away money, “something’s going to happen. You’re not going to have more goods and services produced immediately that can sop up that money.” More

7 Comments on The Oracle of Omaha States the Obvious

  1. Warren Buffet is a self made multi-billionaire. Very smart……He was early in investing in the greatest ponzi scheme in the history of the world…..It’s all legal and the US government can make laws that it be “required” or in other cases you’ll go broke if you don’t have it in your moment of crisis……This industry will also try to not pay when you use their services that you paid for……IT’S THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY and Warren owns a bunch of it….

    May insurance payments represent 38% of my monthly expenditures…..

  2. “May insurance payments represent 38% of my monthly expenditures…..”

    In 2022, we could have put another kid thru a year of college on insurance payments.

    We also bought the government a nice new car with taxes paid.

    Meanwhile, we didn’t have enough in 2022 to pay for college for our kid, nor could we afford a new car. These things take multiple years worth of savings to purchase. And it’s not like we blow our money on needless shit, we don’t do anything other than work and eat.

    I told my wife decades ago when we were in our 20s that our biggest expenses will eventually be taxes and insurance. Here we are.

    Sure am looking forward to sending out more of our money in reparations based on a skin color that isn’t my own, Democrats need the votes.

  3. Inflation is Government Policy. PERIOD.

    Buffet claims that the FedGov does a “pretty good” job at handling inflation – and that’s because Inflation is a tool of the FedGov and is continually manipulated.

    Inflation further enriches those quick to respond and impoverishes those who realize too late.
    Time and again. Over and over.
    WE are the retards in the Short Bus being driven over the cliff by Joey, et al.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. This the same Waffen Burrett who “pays less in taxes than his secretary”, and who laments that he and the other billionaires don’t pay enough in taxes? Sage of Omaha, indeed.


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