There is also a filter that extracts the virus from your body.
But don’t worry at all, because this is fine.
Now I wonder how long it’s gonna be before all my liberal friends start telling me I HAVE TO GET MICROCHIPPED or I can’t participate in society.
Peer pressure is so fun these days, isn’t it?
DARPA, we’re from the government and we’re here to help.
Yeah, I want a chip developed by the military Political hacks leading the destruction of our Military might.
I suppose if I get their chip and Bill Gates chip I’d be set not to get the virus and wrong think.
Will they have a self destruct module if I am determined too sickly or my thoughts are a threat to society?
Sure, I’ll take the vaccine. Just mail it to me. My health and safety are too important to show up in person. Just like mail in voting– you know, safe, secure and honest. So just mail it to me and I’ll give myself the shot and send the paperwork back saying I’m vaccinated. You trust me, right?
There’s something seriously sinister a foot here. Don’t participate. Don’t get the jab. Further more, if all these idiots stop wearing masks and washing their hands, every sixty seconds, all at the same time we’re going to witness people dropping dead left and right from the common cold. Their natural immune system is GONE. Maybe that was the plan all along.
If you believe their claim, I’ve got some dirt cheap real estate I’d like to sell you. The story pegs my BS meter.
The Pentagon. Yup. *wink*
Mark of the Beast
their little bag of tricks
it gave us the pig in a poke and the pig that got poked.
what else do they have in their fetid little bag?
such a thing was not developed since the chinese released fauci’s baby.
betcha pelosi invested in this, too
…and I’m TOTALLY sure that this Chinese-made, Biden-issued, Democrat-approved device will just let you know you have covid and not do ANYTHING else, yup, uh-huh, TOTALLY safe and effective, we can trust people who are on record as considering us Deplorable Irredeemables, sure, no reason to doubt THEM…/s
Aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnd updates from Dominion will keep yer chip up to date with the current Leftist poop-du-jour agenda…
This is even better than a vaccine passport at keeping us safe, lets get thing into production and make it mandatory ASAP!
“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”
Revelation 12:11
… in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron,…
1 Timothy 4:1-2
Evil, evil people.
No one has ever isolated a single instance of the virus. I do not believe it exists or we would have sampled it by now.
I trust Washington just as much as I would Hitler for a free hot shower, thanks but no, some of us have caught on.
“No one has ever isolated a single instance of the virus.”
they’re gonna to ride this horse to the bitter end
What is the power source for the chip?
I don’t have liberal friends. Simplifies things somewhat in a crazy world.
“No one has ever isolated a single instance of the virus.”
Anonymous, I have been trying to get this message out for months but the sheep do not want to listen. They just don’t want to believe that their own government is evil.
Oh hell no! I’m not getting a shot let alone a chip😠
If you took that hard jab up your nose to your brain, odds are you have already gotten the vaccine according to what I’ve read in the last few days. Okay, sorry for all the posts.
Let them take turns injecting each other…
We will revisit the chip in five years to conduct a 10 year study on usefulness,
The human body comes with a built in immune system,
What else does that chip do ?
Everyone in the Armed Forces should have the choice of declining the shot.
To funny. Don’t get the jab man.
Nature has gotten a very bad rap. It is Evil, not Nature, that abhors a vacuum.
Sure they did.
I already had full blown Covid in 2020 so I don’t need your fucking chip!!!
Developed by the Pentagon (the Five Sided Puzzle Palace)?
Long term test them on the Pentagon Perfumed Princes (Colonels & Generals) first.
Trust us. We are from the Government. We are gonna help you.
Get OFF my Lawn.
Yeah riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Sure they did.
But can it detect what gender you are?
I “have to get microchipped or I can’t participate in society!!!”
THIS society?
I’m good unvaxed.