The Picture Book Of Muhammad That Common Core Would Never Purchase – IOTW Report

The Picture Book Of Muhammad That Common Core Would Never Purchase

This is a well done series, much like the types of picture books one read in school about the lives of historical figures, only this one is brutal in its honesty.


MUHAMMAD imagined sadistic tortures awaiting people in hell if they did not believe him to be Allah’s Messenger and obey him. His Koran is full of descriptions of horrific torture: people burning in lakes of fire; boiling water or molten metal poured down their throats; women suspended over fire with a hook through their tongues. His imagery worked its way into Christianity via Dante, whose Inferno was inspired by Muhammad’s cruel imagination.


See more at It’s All About Muhammad

9 Comments on The Picture Book Of Muhammad That Common Core Would Never Purchase

  1. Very good link to bookmark. Thanks!

    It’s a terrible pity the Meccans didn’t strangle the pedophile muhammad with those camel entrails instead of dropping them on his back.
    To their credit, they did try to kill the evil bastard later on, but failed. At least they showed better moral character than modern day progressives who promote muhammad as some kind of hero who is not to be offended.

    Here’s why the cowards on the Left won’t offend the practitioners of the religion of perpetual hatred: Ramadan 2015 death toll is now at 479 in just four days. Alahh loves truncated necks.

  2. I bought the book. It is a great read and lays it all out there. Burleigh weaves the history of the era in with the writings from to Koran. He shows how old Mo’ just made it all up on the fly and lays out the reasons why so many things are the way they are in Islam. The spread of Islam was essentially “convert or die,” and the death part did not come easily or quickly. He also shows how sexually perverted the man was.

    For example, Burleigh shows how the prohibition against alcohol came about because of the feelings of one of Mohammad’s major supporters, who also had a lot of loyal fighters under him. It seems that this guy’s father was a cruel, abusive drunk, so he implored ol’ Mo’ to be against the booze. Mo’ needed the man on his side, so he proclaimed Allah was against alcohol. Voila!

    The book is full of the hows and whys of Mohammad’s spontaneous “revelations” and “visions” which often covered up or fixed glaring deficiencies or contradictions in the nascent “religion”.

    I’m really surprised that these Medieval cretins aren’t hunting the author, F. W. Burleigh, but then that would require them to read and maybe comprehend. In fact, they can’t even quibble with the illustrations in the book (as shown in the post), because it just shows something they’d consider “normal”.

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