The President’s “Goooaal!!!” – IOTW Report

The President’s “Goooaal!!!”

Following US Women Soccer Team’s Captain, Megan Rapinoe’s impromptu off-color rejection on visiting the White House, the magnanimous President extended the courtesy to the entire team, “win or lose” the Women’s World Cup. More  

28 Comments on The President’s “Goooaal!!!”

  1. In Megan’s defense, she is standing respectfully at each match for the national anthem and (so far) all her comments post game at each victory has been strictly soccer related.

    As a huge sports fan and a homer for my country I will root for the USA ladies despite Rapinoe. The team needs her to play well and despite her political leanings, she is a great soccer player. Tomorrow they play France (#4 world rated) in Paris. This is gonna be fun.

  2. Stupid loudmouthed bitch has to ruin it for everyone else. I’m sure at least some team members would love a trip to the white house to meet the leader of the country.
    She looks like a militant dyke anyway.

  3. @ gin blossom JUNE 27, 2019 AT 7:00 PM

    No horney 14 year old boy outside the school for the blind could come close to maintaining an erection in the same room, she had no other option

  4. @ Racer X

    “I would rather the USA team lose without her than win with her.”

    Interesting, but a few questions;

    Does a player have to be straight in order to represent her country?
    Does she have to be Republican?
    Does she have to hold political opinions that align with yours?
    Does she have to support the current president?

    One requirement for me is that she should at least love her country but I can’t definitively say that she does not. Yeah, there are times I wish she would shut her yap about her politics but I value the First Amendment so I put up with it.

    There about a half dozen NBA and NFL players that are just as vocal about their dissatisfaction with Trump, are they banned from international competition as well?

    Being invited to the WH is an honor, if they win (big if) and if she declines the offer, that is her loss.

  5. I harbor no harm to anyone for their political take or sexuality. Unless their personal selfishness overtakes, like this does, any form of gratitude to their county for their deluded ability to voice it and not respect those that have given of themselves for their freedom/right to voice it.
    A huge C*NT PUNT to this ungrateful POS,,,

  6. @No Blushes

    “Unless their personal selfishness overtakes”, and her personal selfishness manifests itself in her exercising her Constitutionally protected right of free speech? Really?

    “any form of gratitude to their county”, how do you know she is NOT grateful to her country? She has voiced her displeasure at Trump but (as far as I know) not at the American way or her country as a whole.

    “not respect those that have given of themselves for their freedom/right to voice it.”

    Not wishing to re litigate the whole “kneeling” controversy (I’m against it) but I’m not going to equate kneeling as a form of protest as any specific statement maligning our military, and I say that as an ex-military service member myself.

  7. My taxes help pay for her opportunity.
    Since she thinks it’s all about her, I want my money back.

    She’s presented herself as a spoiled dyke bitch.

    She should represent East Germany. IOW, no one.

  8. Not only kneeling, but refusing to join the team in the United States of America’s National Anthem as well as refusing to put her hand over his heart…. Fook this scrunt. If it were up to me, there is no way in hell that she would represent the USofA in any (especially international) competition! And Rich (I honor and appreciate your service) stop defending this fookin’ scrunt. She deserves nothing. If the wymens team is incapable of wyning wythout hyr. Fook ’em. and fook soccer! Commie kick ball!

  9. Crackerbaby, I’m not defending her per se, only her right to be obnoxious, abrasive and flatass wrong.

    It bugs me that as co-captain she is the face of the team, but I suspect that honor was granted respecting her soccer abilities, which she has plenty.

    It bothers me that so many here would wish a team of 23 girls, all (except one) have demonstrated enormous patriotism, ill will because of one loud mouth. I do not know the political proclivities of any other member, nor do I care to but they represent the USA and I will support them.

    I’m old school enough to separate sports from politics. I’m a big Warriors fan, the coach and several players have voiced similar displeasure at Trump’s policies, I think they are wrong and do not appreciate them mixing their politics with my team, but I root for their success none the less.

  10. @Rich– She’s the one who brought politics into it. Strictly speaking, I suppose she can say whatever she wants. Should she use her USA jersey and the platform to disrespect the president (and the people) of the USA? I don’t think you’ll find a single person here who wants to take away anyone’s 1A rights, but there’s a time and place. She’s been incredibly rude and should just play a good game. What she’s engaging in is poor sportsmanship — not against the teams she is playing, but against the country and the people who make it possible for to represent. It’s just extremely bad form. I wouldn’t watch her play, she’s got a bad attitude toward life in general. There’s to “I” in “Team.” She is representing the United States of America. Her team gets funding from U.S. taxpayers. If she wants to showboat, she can play for another country.

  11. I never root against our teams on the international level. But this one time I hope it comes down to penalty kicks and Rapinoe’s miss loses the World Cup for them. The left ruins everything they touch.

  12. @AbigailAdams

    “Should she use her USA jersey and the platform to disrespect the president (and the people) of the USA?”

    Is criticizing the president disrespecting him? If so then I am guilty of “disrespecting” Obama on a daily basis. And criticizing the president is NOT the same thing as criticizing the people. Hillary garnered more votes then Trump, actual Trump voters are a minority.

    We live in a great country and one aspect of it’s greatness is that we can criticize our leaders without risk of imprisonment or bodily harm. And it provides a vehicle whereby tools like Rapinoe can make asses of themselves.

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