The problem with simply declaring “I am a woman” – IOTW Report

The problem with simply declaring “I am a woman”

My doctor brought this up while I was getting my prostate examination.

He said he’s had patients come in for exams that fully believe they are women. They’ve had the surgery that strings them along with their fantasy, but if their examination is going to be complete they still have to have their prostate checked. (The prostate remains after the sex-change.)

What a kick in the fake vagina this has to be. It’s like Chaz being told “he” has ovarian cancer.


12 Comments on The problem with simply declaring “I am a woman”

  1. Dude, you don’t need no stinking surgery to declare yourself a different gender. You just say it and it is so. Also, you only need to be 1/32 of that gender for it to be valid. I am 1/32 woman, and that 1/32 is a lesbian. That’s enough to get me into Yale!

    And to think that anybody that gets a Takadicoffame is gonna live long enough to have prostate problems boarders on insanity.

  2. 94% of doctors surveyed that performed digital rectal examinations of pre and post op freaks confirm their finger still smells like shit.

    6% of doctors said they want those freaks out of their office.

    On a different note, if a post op tranny wants a circumsion of a man made penis, performed by a Jewish Mohel, does God get invited to the ceremony? Makes you think, no?

  3. If I can be whatever gender I want just by saying so, can I do the same regarding race? I feel black tomorrow and hispanic next week. Wouldn’t that throw all these race hustlers in tizzy?

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