The Real History They’ll Never Allow in Schools – IOTW Report

The Real History They’ll Never Allow in Schools

American Thinker

From the moment Donald Trump rode down that escalator, the American left began their campaign to destroy the man and prevent him from being elected.  Their efforts included falsifying a fraudulent banking scheme, wiretapping his phones, and the fabrication of the Russia hoax.  Despite all their devious and illegal plans, to their horror Trump won the election, so they doubled down, determined to drive him from office.  

For nearly three years, with the aid of the FBI, the DOJ and the CIA, they sought to make absolutely certain he could not be re-elected.  The Clintons, Obamas and their activist worker bees in and out of Congress worked tirelessly to destroy Donald Trump.  For four years, Mark Elias traveled state to state to get election laws changed to facilitate the cheating they planned.  Nancy Pelosi let the cat out of the bag when she said, “I feel very confident that Joe Biden will be elected President on Tuesday. Whatever the end count is on the election that occurs on Tuesday, he will be elected, on January 20th he will be inaugurated President.” More

2 Comments on The Real History They’ll Never Allow in Schools

  1. Not so hidden in plain sight. They all will regret what they have done some day I am confident of that. Do not be deceived God is not mocked a man will reap what he has down. Evil has a way to go before it is ripe for judgment but it is ripening fast.

  2. All of it is true.
    They hate America because we are great country,and they can not stand it.
    They want us to be a commie bunch of rubes,just like them without the power to stop them.
    It is getting close for them to try to take our guns.
    Good luck on that try.
    We have had enough.


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